School Counselor Overview Gail M. Smith GSCA Advocacy Chair and Past-President A Comprehensive Model Pre-service and Professional Learning Waiver Implications
What Is a Comprehensive School Counseling Program? Standards based Data driven Addresses the academic, career, and social/emotional development of students Delivered via classroom lessons (push in), small group (pull out), and individual consultation
What Is a Comprehensive School Counseling Program? Focus on prevention and skills building Not therapeutic Serve in a continuum of support services in the school community The model provides for equity and access for ALL students to a quality school counseling program.
Core Curriculum Information provided for all students Small Group or Closing the Gap Individual Consultation Specialized Interventions School Counseling Pyramid Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Smith, G (2008)
School Counselor Preparation (Pre- service) Certification requires a earning a master’s degree in school counseling or related field and passing the GACE. Most school counseling graduate programs in Georgia align to the American School Counselor Association’s National Model (a comprehensive school counseling model).
School Counselor Preparation (Pre- service) The graduate coursework is specialized because of the unique skill set required to be an effective school counselor: College and career advising Consultation skills Developing and implementing effective interventions for students who struggle Small group management Use of data and assessments
School Counselor Preparation (Pre- service) Suicide threat assessment Mandatory reporting Bullying prevention Health and safety issues of students Recognition and referral of students in crisis
School Counseling Professional Learning The Georgia School Counselor Association is concerned about the future of professional learning for school counselors. Since “educators working in schools and school districts will engage in job-embedded learning with their colleagues supported by workshops when needed,” school counselors may be subject to professional learning activities that are driven by the needs of their teachers rather than the specific needs of our profession. Recommendation: School counselors, as well as other student support groups, have access to professional learning that is relevant to their positions.
Implications for Certification Waivers Under IE2 and Charter Systems, districts have the flexibility to waive certification to hire in fields with critical shortages or to teach courses for which there is no certification. Not all educators are trained, skilled, or qualified by virtue of their teaching certificates to work with students who present health, safety, and emotionality issues. Recommendation: Exempt school counselors from certification waivers because of our direct involvement with the health and safety issues of students.
Thank You for Your Support of Georgia’s Students Gail M. Smith