Chapter Eight AP World History Ms. Tully
Extremely diverse societies developed No political or religious unity Bantu migration primary spoken language Animistic/polytheistic belief systems
Varied in size & influence – organized around kinship Political power shared with councils & secret societies Weakness of “stateless” societies No organization to collect taxes no effective militaries No consensus Difficult to resist external pressures No undertaking of large building projects Hard to create stability for long-distance trade These goals contributed to the formation of states
N. Africa connected to Mediterranean & Arab economic world Sub-Saharan African economies varied greatly Focus on iron working & agriculture Specialization encouraged trade
7 th C – Muslim armies moved west from Egypt thru N. Africa 11 th -12 th C - Almoravids and Almohadis (reforming Muslim Berbers) from western Sahara grow in power Almohad Caliphate: Islamic tradition of political/religious ruler attractive to Africans Introduced social stratification of Islamicized societies
Sahel Grasslands: transition zone between Sahara Desert and savannahs to the south Point of exchange between North and Sub-Saharan Africa; important region of trade Grasslands Kingdoms = Sudanic States = Ghana, Mali, Songhai
Islam reinforced ideas of kingship and power: “royal cult” Trade gold for salt from Berbers in North Africa Mali, Ghana and Songhai
1 st great West African empire Rose to power by taxing salt and gold 10 th c: rulers convert to Islam while common people remain loyal to polytheism Reaches 11 th c. height Almoravid armies invaded Ghana in 1076
Broke away from Ghana in 13 th C Islamicized in 13 th Economy: Agriculture & Gold Trade – Juula Founder: Sundiata Mansa Musa successor to Sundiata – Greatest Mali ruler
Great mosque of Jenne Major cities – Jenne and Timbuktu 80% of pop. villagers who lived by farming
Independent from Mali in 1370s – capital at Gao Prospered as a trading state and military power Sunni Ali ( ) Songhai remained dominant until defeated by Moroccans in 1591 for not being “Muslim enough”
Islam provided universal faith and fixed law. Rulers reinforced authority through Muslim ideology. Many Sudanic societies were matrilineal and did not seclude women Slavery and slave trade was prevalent from Muslim influence
Islamized trading ports along coast by 13 th c. Kilwa, Mogadishu, Mombasa: large city- state centers of Islam Rulers and merchants were often Muslim Culture = Swahili as language and fused African and Islamic practices.
Across central Africa, agrarian societies thrived and kingdoms developed Preliterate – knowledge passed orally, rich artistic tradition Yoruba people & Ile-Ife
Edo peoples & Benin Kongo Great Zimbabwe
Christian states are present in North Africa, Egypt, and Ethiopia before the arrival of Islam. Egyptian Christians, the Copts, had a rich and independent tradition (Coptic Christianity). The Nubians resisted Muslim incursions from 9 th until 13 th century. Ethiopia continues to retain Christianity. Christianity will come later to the rest of the continent with the presence of Europeans.
Spread of Islam brought large areas of Africa into the global community through increasing contact from CE between Africa and Mediterranean and Asian civilizations. However, most of Africa evolved in regions free of Islamic contact (Central + Southern Africa). While no universal empires and religions develop in Africa, Christianity and Islam impact the region through political, economic, and cultural development.