$oCiaL: The Phishing Landscape through Short URLs Sidharth Chhabra *, Anupama Aggarwal †, Fabricio Benevenuto ‡, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru † * Delhi College of Engineering, † IIIT-Delhi, † Federal University of Ouro Preto
2 Motivation
5 Phishing via Short URLs
6 Most popular - June January 2011 * Most abused URL shortener 23.48% of short URL services
7 Research Aim
8 Analysis of Phishing Tweets containing Bitly How is Bitly used by Phishers? Who is Targeted ? Which Locations are Affected ?
9 System Architecture
10 Referral Analysis UR L Time Is a Phish Is Up Phishing URLs Short URLs Long URL Short URL Created by Lookup API Brand Analysis Temporal Analysis Geographical Analysis Behavioral Analysis Text Analysis Network Analysis Data Collection Filtering Analysis
11 Vote if Phishing YesNoUnknown Online Yes11, ,234 No1,02,1755,99168,731 Unknown4, January - 31 December, 2010 Dataset
12 Dataset 990 public Twitter users who posted phish tweets 864 user accounts present at the time of analysis 2000 past tweets for each of 516 users
13 Results
14 Space gain is fraction of space saved by using For 50% URLs, Space Gain < 37%
15 Social Network Websites targeted
Twitter users 213 inorganic 303 organic 153 compromised 150 legitimate Phish activity is majorly automated
17 Sparse Network, High Reciprocity
18 Country was determined by using the statistics Brazil is most targeted followed by US and Canada
19 Limitations
20 Reliance on PhishTank 90% URLs offline when voted Small number of active voters
21 Conclusion
22 URLs shorteners used to hide identity Change in landscape of phishing - OSNs target Phishing activity is automated Lack of phishing communities Brazil had highest phish URL clickthrough
23 Future Work
24 Analyze the use of URL shorteners like, tinyurl etc. Develop an algorithm to detect phishing on Twitter
25 Thank You !