California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Role in Timber Harvest Review.


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Presentation transcript:

California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Role in Timber Harvest Review

CDFW Mission “The mission of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is to manage California’s diverse fish, wildlife and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.”

CDFW Regions Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4 have dedicated TCP staff. Region 1 – Redding/Eureka/Yreka Region 2 – Rancho Cordova Region 3 – Yountville (Napa) Region 4 – Fresno/Monterey

CDFW And CEQA  Can be a Lead or a Responsible Agency  Forest Practice Act Review Team Agency  Always a Trustee Agency  California Department of Fish and Wildlife  State Lands Commission  State Department of Parks and Recreation  University of California

Agency Role  Lead Agency (CEQA Guidelines Section 15367) is the public agency (e.g. CalFire for THP’s) that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. Determined in Section  Responsible Agency (CEQA Guidelines Section 15381) includes all public agencies (other than the Lead Agency) that have a discretionary approval over the project.  Trustee Agency (CEQA Guidelines Section 15386) -- a state agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by a project that are held in trust for the people of the State of California. Examples include: CDFW, State Lands Commission, CDPR  Review Team Agency under 14 CCR §1037.5(a), and PRC §4582.6(a)

CDFW Jurisdiction  CDFW has jurisdiction over fish, wildlife, native plants, and their habitat, including impacts to the bed, bank and channel of any waterway.  Regulates and enforces Fish and Game Code (FGC) §1600 Lake and Streambed Alteration Program §2050 California Endangered Species Act (CESA) §5650 Water Pollution § Raptor Nest Take Prohibition  CEQA Compliance §15380 Protection of locally rare species or Species of Special Concern

Examples  Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreements  Lead Agency for private entities notifying for Agreement  Responsible Agency when issuing LSAA for the CEQA lead agency  California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) & Safe Harbor Agreements  Lead Agency for private entities requesting take coverage  Responsible Agency when issuing an ITP for the CEQA lead agency

Reviewing a THP

CDFW Priorities  “Special-status” species  Terrestrial habitats and habitat elements  Aquatic habitat  Unique vegetation communities, rare plants  Invasive Species  Nesting birds, especially raptors  Other wildlife As we review a THP, attend the PHI, and recommend mitigation measures, we remember our Mission and what our priorities are…

Biological Scoping  Evaluate an appropriate biological assessment area  Based on species range and available habitat.  Based on life history of fish and wildlife; their ability to move in and out of the THP area.  A 9-quad search is the accepted norm for plants. Other strategies acceptable if accompanied by a viable rationale.  Proposed silviculture, operations and staging areas.  Be thinking at the watershed level scale  Take into account riparian areas, seasonal/spring-fed water sources and drought impacts.

Scoping Tools  Personal knowledge and expertise  Google Earth  California Natural Diversity Database “CNDDB” search (shows known species occurrences in a specific location) Rarefind (software - government version)  Quick Viewer DFW website database  IMAPs Biological Information and Observation System “BIOS” DFW website database  California Native Plant Society (electronic inventory of plants)  California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System  Federal search engines (potential occurrence list) FWS Ecological Services offices

Evaluate Impacts  Will your project have an adverse effect on a state or federally listed species?  Could your project result in a significant impact to a Species of Special Concern or any native plant or animal population?  Does the project temporarily or permanently remove any wildlife habitat or native plant community?  Is your project located in a sensitive area?  Could your project cause a cumulative impact?

Evaluate Impacts Could your project result in a significant impact to a Species of Special Concern or any native plant or animal population? Tri-colored blackbird - CSC..what specifically is the impact? the impact significant? there a sensitive period you can work around?

Is the project located in a sensitive area? (riparian, wetlands, deserts, vernal pools, deer wintering area, rare plants, etc.) Photo: Fabula Evaluate Impacts..inform yourself about the plants and animals that could be you need to survey?..other permits required?

Cumulative Impacts

Mitigation  Types of Mitigation Measures under CEQA  Avoid  Minimize  Rectify (repair or rehabilitate)  Reduce or Eliminate  Compensate

Effective Mitigation Five questions for Effective Mitigation QuestionRequirement WHY State the objective of the mitigation measure and why it is recommended. WHAT Explain the specifics of the mitigation measure and how it will be designed and implemented. Identify measurable performance standards to determine success of mitigation. Adaptive contingent mitigation if monitoring reveals that success standards are not satisfied. WHO Identify the agency, organization, or individual responsible for implementing the measure. WHERE Identify the specific location of the mitigation measure. WHEN Develop a schedule for implementation.

Mitigation Needs To Be…  Clear  Enforceable  Effective  Feasible

How and when to consult with CDFW  Lead agency to consult with responsible and trustee agencies regarding the project  Pre-consultations highly encouraged  New information Amendment to a THP New nest or species detection New species listing Significant change in the environment wildfire weather  CDFW Website    Keep good records

Thank You © Gary Larson