An introduction to iGiGL Providing access to detailed information on London’s wildlife and recreational green-spaces Matt Davies
introduction GiGL online web-app
the capital's environmental records centre - we collate, manage and make available detailed information on London's wildlife, parks, nature reserves, gardens and other open spaces. GiGL is…
vital statistics 1996 GiGL established 8 staff 196 Skateboarding sites 663 Reports for consultants 2,692,396 Species records 0 profit 53(28) Partner organisations (Boroughs)
species habitats open spaces protected sites areas of deficiency urban greening features our data
some projects garden research project mayor’s street-trees ALGG SPG borough open-space strategies LBP habitat suitability
SINC data
Site Name:160 Mill Lane Community Garden Summary:A small community garden with plenty of trees and shrubs and a very attractive pond. Grid ref:TQ Area (ha):0.19 Borough(s):Camden Habitat(s):Pond/Lake, Scattered trees, Scrub, Semi-improved grassland Access:Free public access (all/most of site) Ownership:London Borough of Camden Site Description: This small community garden has a good range of scattered trees, including sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), holly (Ilex aquilifolium) and wild cherry (Prunus avium). There is a relatively large and well stocked pond, known to harbour a healthy population of smooth newts… Site first notified:01/01/1993Boundary last changed:01/01/1993 Citation last edited:10/03/2006Mayor Agreed: Last Updated:09/02/2007
open space data
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open-space data Space Types PPG 17 Primary Use Secondary Uses
open-space data Public Open Space Open Space CategorisationSize GuidanceDistances from Homes Regional Parks 400ha 3.2 to 8 km Metropolitan Parks60ha3.2 km District Parks20ha1.2km Local Parks and Open Spaces2ha400m Small Open Spaces < 2ha < 400m Pocket Parks < 0.4ha < 400m Linear Open Spaces variable wherever feasible
open-space data Site Ownership Public Access Site Facilities
open-space data Site Designations Community Open Space SINC and other nature Green corridors and chains Greenbelt and MOL Conservation Areas London Commons, Village Greens and Squares English Heritage registered Parks and Gardens Green Flag Awards
area of deficiency
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