Snappy Social Studies Week 8 Head lined paper-only 1 TCAP question per day this week
Monday America’s culture can best be represented by its A art. B climate. C wildlife. D landforms.
Tuesday Which of these best describes American culture? F Black bears G Bluegrass music H Hudson River J Great Smoky Mountains
Wednesday What do Americans celebrate on Columbus Day? A the sacrifices of people who served in the United States military B the exploration of the Americas by European sailors C the efforts of leaders in the Civil Rights movement D the United States declaration of independence from Great Britain
Thursday The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor people in the United States who F came from other countries. G fought for women’s suffrage. H served in the military. J served as president.
Friday What is celebrated on July 4th in the United States? A victory in World War II B independence from British rule C election of a new United States president D European discovery of America