Daily TAKS Connection: Factors Influencing Solubility IPC(9): The student knows how solution chemistry is a part of everyday life. The student is expected to: (D) demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including temperature, pressure, and nature of the solute and solvent.
Day 1 Construct a two tab foldable Materials: Foldable handout Scissors Pen Colored pencils/crayons Instructions: Fold bottom paper along fold line at bottom edge Hamburger fold along center fold line Cut along the dotted line from edge to peak Tuck the flaps into the bottom flap Color “Solids Dissolved in Liquids” Color “Gases Dissolved in Liquids”
Day 2 notes Record the following notes under the flap label “Solids Dissolved in Liquids” - 3 factors: temperature Example: heat water to dissolve sugar when making iced tea stirring/shaking Example: mixing Kool-Aid with a spoon surface area of solid (particle size) Example: granulated sugar dissolves more quickly than sugar cubes
Question 1 A 0.2 g crystal of gypsum dissolves very slowly in 100 mL of water while the water is stirred. Which of these would cause the gypsum to dissolve faster? a. Increasing the water temperature b. Raising the air pressure c. Stopping the stirring d. Use larger crystals
Question 2 The table shows temperature and pressure in four containers holding the same amount of water. According to the table, in which container will the least sodium chloride be dissolved in the water? a.Q b.R c. S d.T
Question 3 A pharmaceutical company makes the claim that their caplet formulation of a pain reliever is “fast acting”. It is probable that this formulation – a. is a solid caplet b. consists of a gel cap containing finely ground crystals of the pain medication c. reduces fever in the user, aiding digestion d. reduces the gas pressure in the user’s stomach
Day 3 notes Record the following notes under the flap label “Gases Dissolved in Liquids” – 2 factors: temperature Example: a soda on ice will not go “flat” as quickly as a soda without ice. pressure Example: When soda is opened, carbon dioxide gas begins coming out of solution (bubbles rising)
Question 4 Over time an open soft drink will lose carbonation (dissolved CO 2 ). Which of these allows the CO 2 to remain in solution the longest? a. Reduced air pressure b. Increased air currents c. Exposure to direct sunlight d. Refrigerate the soda
Question 5 Abnormally hot summers can have a negative effect on aquatic life. This is because the higher temperatures — a. increases the pressure of rivers, ponds and lakes b.decreases sediment solubility in rivers, ponds and lakes c.increases the pH value of rivers, ponds and lakes d.decreases the dissolved oxygen in rivers, ponds and lakes
Question 6 MTBE is a gasoline additive that has entered some groundwater supplies. According to the table shown, which of the following water temperatures would allow 35 grams of MTBE to dissolve in 1 liter of water? a. 15°C b. 35°C c. 40°C d. 50°C