Blindfolded Record Linkage Presented by Gautam Sanka Susan C. Weber, Henry Lowe, Amar Das, Todd Ferris
Introduction and Objectives Challenges Patient Privacy vs. Building Cross-Site records Solutions Mandate that identifiers be disclosed Privacy officers find this unacceptable Keep only de-identified information in the registry but share an algorithm to Third Parties for generating an anonymous identifier
De-identification Explained This anonymous identifier will be created in such a way that: Probability of same identifier generated at two different sites is high for the same person And low for different people
What can be used? Using SSN – Bad Idea Using names and DOB may seem best but: Nicknames at one site and full name at another Misspellings Different Titles (Mr. Ms. Mrs.)
Goal of Project Breast Cancer Patients at PAMF (Palo Alto Medical Foundation) and Stanford University Medical Center Merge the Data with de-identification under HIPAA and IRB approval
Interesting Approaches Bigrams For the names Ann and Anne [AN, NN] [AN, NN, NE] The Dice Co-efficient is 2 * (2/5) = 4/5 Bloom Filter Both were not implemented due to the complexities
A single SHA-1 string was constructed based on Gender DOB Zip Three letter Prefix of last name In their case, only first two letters of patients’ first and last names were used
Composite Identifier Felt that a combination of DOB and the first two letters of names would uniquely identify Most applicable when: Compliance restrictions preclude the exchange of actual identifiers Total number of comparisons is less than 10^8 Names and DOB are easily available DOB has a low error rate
Methods Measured Rate of false positives in data Dropped name prefixes Dropped DOB stating 1/1/1900 and 1/1/1901 Performed a self-join on three sets of 1.5M rows, 0.5M rows and 10,000 rows
Specificity based on Data Set Size
Measure False Negative Both sites exchanged cryptographic hashes based on SSNs The number of matches found by matching SSNs and not composite identifiers became the Lower Bound for False Negatives Removal of all False Positives based on real identifiers
PAMF 8,166 Stanford 10, Common Patients
Total found by Composite Identifier 2028 Exact Matches in Names + DOB 1824 Confirmed by Full Identifiers Later 204 “This was a very interesting result in that it provided us with a measure of how much better our approach is compared to using full names rather than two-letter prefixes.”
Reasons for False Negatives in Composite Identification Found by SSN and later confirmed manually
Simply Using SSN SSNs found only 1806 out of 2028 Rate of false negatives is 10% higher than a composite identifier Reasons 172 of the 222 with false negatives had a missing SSN
What about the other 50? In conclusion, 57 False Positives for SSN matches 3 False Positives for Composite Identifier 20 times worse
Which identifiers are best?
When should we use this tool? Most useful where privacy policies preclude the full exchange of the identifiers required by more sophisticated and sensitive linkage algorithms For Data Sets of High quality, this approach (in comparison to complex algorithms) Easy to explain Adheres to minimum rules set by HIPAA Faster and less cumbersome