Learning Theories Christina DeCavalcanti Section 5552
Behaviorism Definition: Cultural and sub-cultural conditioning shapes behavior. Learning is conducted by: conditioning, reinforcing (rewards, denials, punishment), desensitization, aversion therapy, modeling, imitation Source:
Behaviorist Impact on Learning in the Classroom Teaching based on learning basic skills and working up to more difficult ones. Individualized work Learn through lectures, reading, skills worksheets Source: Summary of BehaviorismSummary of Behaviorism
Cognitivism Definition: A developing child builds cognitive structures for understanding and responding to physical experiences in his or her environment. - Piaget Cognitive structures include: Mental “maps” schemas networked concepts Source:
Cognitive Impact on Learning in the Classroom Educators must plan developmentally appropriate curriculum. Student interaction with the environment is very important. Group assignments Source: get.cfm get.cfm
Constructivism Definition: By reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. We each have mental models are our way of making sense of the world Learning takes place by adjusting mental models to accommodate new experiences Source:
Constructivist Impact on Learning in the Classroom Calls for the Elimination of a standard curriculum. Want to focus instead on individual lesson plans that build on a students prior knowledge. Also believes in hands-on problem solving. Source: xtual/learning.htm xtual/learning.htm
Comparing the Theories of Learning BehavioristCognitiveConstructivist How people learn Through cultural and sub-cultural conditioning. By building mental structures such as schemas. Through the reflection of our experiences, and creating mental models of how to deal with situations Use of technolog y in learning Use of computers, and games designed to let students practice a specific skill. Programs that allow students to work in groups and in a variety of situations. Use of a multitude of programs, levels and methods of technology to individualize a student’s experience.