Introduction to eTIM
eTIM Overview eTIM (eTIM) is a server designed and developed by VeriFone, Inc. to work between PAYware Connect and selected VeriFone Point of Sale devices such as the VeriFone Mx line of devices. It is written in Java, so it can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS/400® (or i5/OS™) for the IBM System i (iSeries or AS/400). eTIM works in conjunction with PAYware Conect’s API so merchants with existing PAYware Connect interfaces will not have to change their API to take advantage of the eTIM. Highly configurable and easy to use, eTIM provides a utility to configure all of the global and device settings for the supported terminals on a Local Area Network (LAN) and is capable of managing a large number of terminals per store. An optional BIN Management feature may be used to support debit encouragement.
Transaction Support eTIM supports Credit Card, Debit Card and Gift Card transactions. The commands supported include: Credit Cards: SALE, PRE_AUTH, CREDIT, RETURN (processor dependent) Debit Cards: SALE, CREDIT. The use of SALE with CASHBACK_AMNT is supported (processor dependent), Gift Cards: SALE, PRE_AUTH (processor dependent), CREDIT
Working with eTIM
Launching etim Launching eTIM using the command line scripts The eTIM can be started using the command line scripts that are generated during the installation. To launch the server and process transactions, the following must be started: eTIM (MX devices, that will be included in the startup of eTIM.) To start both servers simultaneously: From your \<eTIM>\ directory, double-click the file wnstartup.bat. This will start both the eTIM Server and PAYware Connect. To start only eTIM From your \<eTIM>\ directory: Double-click the file wnstarteTIMserver.bat .
The eTIM GUI Launcher is a command based application used to start the eTIM - with the click of a button. The text area will serve as console windows to the eTIM server. The user may use the Launch eTIMServer button to start eTIM .The respective Stop button can be used to terminate the server.
transaction to PAYware Connect POS Server TCP/IP Socket 1. POS sends non- sensitive transaction data request to eTIM (client ID, terminal IP, txn type/amt) Connection Network Network Connection TCP/IP Socket 2. eTIM interprets the data and Enterprise Terminal Interface Manager (eTIM) ` eTIM prompts the appropriate MX for POS application card swipe and PIN (if applicable) 4. eTIM TCP/IP Socket 3. VSP encrypted card data returned to eTIM builds transaction message Connection Network Connection Network TCP/IP Socket 9. Transaction response returned to terminal and VeriFone MX800 Terminal – Static IP, VSP enabled POS 5. eTIM submits transaction to PAYware Connect Note: Upon transaction approval, the terminal can prompt for signature Internet capture. The signature can be uploaded and stored in PAYware Connect along with the approved transactions. HTTPS Post 8. Transaction response returned to eTIM PAYware Connect 6. PAYware Connect submits transaction to processor 7. Transaction response returned to PAYware Connect Card processing network
Transaction Processing Flow Diagram
Troubleshooting eTIM
Starting the eTIM Diagnostic Tool The diagnostic tool can be used to check connections with PAYware Connect, the devices connected to the Terminal. This tool will assist in troubleshooting by helping to identify the root of the problem. From your \<eTIM>\utils directory, double-click the file wndiagnosticutil.bat.
The eTIM Diagnostic Tool will help you carry out the following diagnostic tests: Check eTIM Server Connectivity. Check PAYware Connect Server Connectivity. Check MX Device Connectivity. MX Pass Thru Command. Review BIN Data. System Information
Requesting a Sample Transaction Enter the eTIM IP Address, Port, Device IP, Device Port and the Client ID in their respective text boxes, and increase the Timeout (secs) to a value greater than the default of 60. Click on the desired transaction type to generate a request transaction for eTIM. Sample request: <TRANSACTION> <FUNCTION_TYPE>PAYMENT</FUNCTION_TYPE> <PAYMENT_TYPE>CREDIT</PAYMENT_TYPE> <CLIENT_ID>1000010001</CLIENT_ID> <COMMAND>SALE</COMMAND> <DEVICEIP></DEVICEIP> <DEVICEPORT>9001</DEVICEPORT> </TRANSACTION> Click Test Connection, found at the bottom of the screen, to send the request to eTIM Server and check the connection. If a connection is successfully established with eTIM Server, the response message from eTIM Server will populate the Response Message text area of the eTIM Connection Utility. If there is a problem with the connection, or anything else, the error will be reported by the Utility
Testing Mx Devices eTIM Diagnostic Tool Test MX880 Connection tab
Available Tests Get Version – To get version of the MX880 or MX870 or MX860 or MX850 or MX830 or MX760 Show Form Test – To show a form on the device Swipe Data Test – To prompt and get the swipe data from the device PIN Data Test – To prompt and get the PIN data from the device Cashback Amount Test – To prompt and get the amount entered from the device Option Selection Test – To prompt and get the selected option from the device Signature Capture Test – To prompt and get the signature data from the device eTIM Manual Entry Test – To prompt Acct number prompt, Expiration Data prompt and Zip code prompt and get the data from the device Mx Manual Entry Test - To prompt the Mx device Manual Entry Forms and get the data from the device
Testing BIN Configuration
System Information:
Signature Capture using MX Devices The Mx devices can be used to capture the Cardholder Signature as Base 64 encoded BMP format data. To enable this feature, the “Allow Signature Capture” option for the Client ID must be set to true. eTIM prompts the Cardholder to enter a signature on the Mx8xx device for the following Credit Card transactions: 1. Sale 2. Credit 3. Pre Auth 4. Voice Auth The Cardholder is prompted to sign after the Approved or Captured response is received from the host (i.e., after the transaction has been processed by the host).
eTIM BIN Conversion Tool
eTIM BIN Conversion Tool The BIN Manager Conversion Utility can be used to convert BIN file tables from the following providers: Bank Of America Chase Paymentech Fifth Third Debit Card First Data
Select Provider: Once the BIN Conversion Tool has been launched, it prompts to select the Type of Provider. Click to select the appropriate Type of Provider and Next to continue.
Select the Provider BIN File: After selecting the Type of Provider, you will be prompted to Select a BIN File. Browse to select the file to be converted. If you leave the Skip duplicate records checkbox unchecked, records that have the same low prefix, high prefix, and PAN length will trigger a pop-up message window to alert the user. If the Skip duplicate records checkbox is checked, the user is not alerted and the conversion utility skips the duplicate records. Click Next to continue.
FTP Settings: If you chose First Data as your provider and selected the FTP option for the source of your BIN file, you will be prompted to enter the following FTP settings: FTP Server – FTP Server name or IP FTP User Name – Valid FTP user name FTP Password – Valid FTP password Port – The FTP Port. The conventional FTP port is 21. File Name – The BIN Data file name to be downloaded from the FTP Server FTP Connect Timeout – The timeout value. Click Next to continue. After the file is downloaded from First Data, you can go back and use the Local System option to run the conversion.
Convert Provider BIN file: After selecting the BIN File, you will be prompted to start conversion of the BIN file. Click Next to start the conversion If an error is displayed, there may be HTML or other unnecessary data that was not stripped from the file. Verify this, and select Ignore to continue. Some files may have three or more of these types of records at the beginning and at the end of the file. It is best to edit the file before passing it to the BIN Conversion Utility in order to avoid these errors.
The following screen appears while the conversion operation is in progress:
Select Save Location: After the conversion is successful, the tool prompts for a Save Location for the converted BIN data. Enter or Browse to select the path for the Save Location. When launched from TIM, and if the <eTIM>/props directory exists, the default save location is <eTIM>/props/ . A Saved screen will appear, listing the; Number of Records Added, Number of Duplicate Records Found, Number of Invalid Records Found. Click Finish to exit.The file is saved as cardTable.xml. Click Save to save the converted BIN data
Support eTIM is designed to support the connection of selected VeriFone terminals to PAYware Connect. PAYware Connect is a fast, reliable, and cost effective product that can easily be integrated into any brick and mortar, MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order), e-Commerce, or restaurant application. PAYware Connect enables merchants to process secure payment transactions in a real time environment over the Internet and supports all major credit and debit card payment types. VeriFone’s Integration Support team is available to answer your questions about all aspects of the PAYware Transact, PAYware Connect, and eTIM products. For additional questions concerning eTIM, please contact our team at (877) 659-8983.