AS Level Physical Education Contemporary Issues Outdoor Education ST RICHARD GWYN PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT
Outdoor Education The use of the natural environment to educate Part of a structured school/college programme in which positive values are taught
Outdoor Education belongs under the same umbrella as P.E and therefore derives the same values. Physical Health & Skill Learning Preparation for active leisure Personal & Social Development Enhancement of Quality of life PEOE
Outdoor Education is compulsory under the National Curriculum, NC at secondary level, but sadly various factors impinge on it’s part in the curriculum. These factors are: FundingFacilities Health & Safety issues Specialist training (required for teachers)
The Outward Bound Trust The Outward Bound Trust was the 1 st organisation in the world dedicated to children’s development through the natural environment. Works in partnership with ‘The Duke of Edinburgh Award’ (D of E) They both offer a variety of courses and expeditions.
Real and Perceived Risk The element of risk and unpredictability is what distinguishes OE from normal PE. This risk comes from the environment. Predictable - Under control, use of equipment. Unpredictable - No Control, avalanche, floods Perceived Risk - Beginners Real Risk - Experts
Perceived Risk Sought by teachers to give beginners the opportunity to learn and challenge themselves in situations that appear dangerous. Climbing Log walking
Real Risk Performed by highly trained/skilled experts who plan routes and pay particular attention to conditions and weather reports to reduce the risk of expeditions being cancelled due to adverse weather conditions
Artificial Facilities These can be used to simulate the natural environment Examples include: Ski Centres Swimming Pools Rock Climbing Walls Half pipe, surfing & skating
Why use artificial facilities? Cheaper – much cheaper as oppose to arranging a trip to the Swiss alps!! Regular – Schools have regular access to pools e.t.c Unpredictability reduced – controlled environment Improve confidence before attempting more difficult experience.