Mrs. Browning’s Class Sedge Garden Elementary Open House August 23, 2012 SAVE THIS FILE WITH A DIFFERENT NAME TO PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL FILE FOR FUTURE USE! Click the text box to add your name, school name, date, etc. After saving with a different file name, delete any slides you do not plan to use. Add new slides (see blank slides at the end of the presentation). Drag the slides to re-order them to fit your needs. Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics © ThistleGirlDesigns
My husband and I both grew up in the Kernersville area. 2 boys Meet the Teacher Mrs. Crystal Browning My husband and I both grew up in the Kernersville area. 2 boys Nineteenth year Experience teaching third, fourth, and small group reading in kindergarten Currently teaching first grade All text can be changed on these slides. Blank slides are included at the end if you need more slides or prefer to have your slides not have the header with the fish and shells at the top.
Supply List 2 boxes of crayons 10 glue sticks pack of yellow #2 pencils pencil box book bag /no wheels hand sanitizer 3-ring binder (1 inch) 1 box of Ziploc bags (sandwich, quart, gallon) 2 solid colored 2- pocket folders box of tissues Explain what students will be required to learn/do in social studies this year.
9:30 Intervention/Enrichment 10:00 Math 11:05 Lunch Daily Schedule 8:05 Morning Work 8:30 Guided Reading 9:30 Intervention/Enrichment 10:00 Math 11:05 Lunch 11:40 Teacher Directed Reading/Writing 12:50 Recess 1:20 Specials 2:00 Science/Social Studies 2:45 Dismissal Type your daily schedule here.
F Day Guidance/Science Special Classes A Day- Art B Day- Media C Day-Music D Day-P.E.* E Day Computer F Day Guidance/Science * On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. Type your special class information here. Mine is included as a starting point.
Classroom Rules 1. Listen and follow directions 2. Be respectful of others. 3. Be responsible for your actions, assignments, and property. 4. Walk quietly in the school. 5. Be honest and fair. Include your class rules on this slide
Color-coded behavior system Everyone begins on green (excellent day) Behavior Management Color-coded behavior system Everyone begins on green (excellent day) Yellow- slow down and ask, “Am I making responsible choices about my behavior?” Orange- needs to make better choices. Red- difficulty following school and classroom rules/procedures Blue- (will not begin until October) –fabulous; going above and beyond B.E.E. Notebook-communicate daily about classroom behavior. Green or blue-Super day! Orange or red- note or phone call Thank you in advance for your support! Explain your method of managing behavior. Do you use a clip chart? Card pulling system? Something else? Include a picture if you can!
Additional Consequences The school has a discipline policy I must follow as well. A Discipline Referral Form (DRF) is used for minor infractions. The form will be sent home to parents and must be signed. When a child accumulates 3 DRF forms in one week or commits a serious offense, a D1 (Discipline Form 1) is completed and the child will need to be seen in the office. Explain what students will be required to learn/do in reading this year. You might want to talk about Daily 5/Literacy Centers/Workstations if you use them in your classroom. In fact, you might want to duplicate this slide and add your center information to a separate slide.
Homework First grade students will have a homework binder. We will use this binder for homework and daily communication. This binder is called the B.E.E. Book (Bring Everything Everyday). Students in first grade will have math, spelling or writing, and reading homework each night. Please read to/with your child and practice the kindergarten and first grade high frequency words. Please initial the BEE Notebook daily. This is one way for us to keep the lines of communication open and ensure the success of your child. Explain your homework policy and what types of homework parents can expect.
Keep in mind that we don’t have change Money Please use the vinyl pouch in the front of the B.E.E. Notebook when sending money to school Put the money in an envelope or sandwich bag and clearly mark the amount and what the money is for Keep in mind that we don’t have change Use this slide to explain grading procedures, progress report and report card information.
Conferences I will be more than happy to meet with you. During the school day, I am busy teaching your children. Let me know by email, note, or phone call if you would like to schedule a conference. I’ll be in touch to schedule a date and time. On this slide explain what assessments your students are required to take such as GMADE, GRADE, DIBELS, or other standardized tests. You might also want to include some information about spelling tests or other weekly tests.
Birthdays If you would like to bring in cupcakes or cookies for your child’s birthday, please send me a note/email in advance. The cupcakes or cookies must be store bought. They will be given out at our designated lunch time from 11:05-11:33. Birthday invitations may not be given out in the classroom. Get parents involved! List ways parents can help out the classroom by volunteering at school or by working on things at home and sending them back to school! If your school has a volunteer policy, discuss that here.
Student Safety Reminder Please remember that any time you come to the classroom you must first sign in at the office and get a visitor’s pass. This includes before and after school. I realize my classroom is not far from the office; however, it is school policy that you sign in prior to coming to the classroom at any time. Visitors will not be permitted to come to the classroom without a visitor pass. Also, for your child’s safety, he/she must be signed out and called from the office before I can dismiss your child from my classroom. ---------- If you have the preview open on the left side of your screen that shows all of your slides, right click on the preview of this slide and click “Duplicate slide.”
Sign up on WS/FCS website Field Trips Please make sure you are an approved Level I volunteer if you plan to go with your child on any field trips. Sign up on WS/FCS website Please refer any questions you may have to Ms. Dunlap in the front office. If you already know what field trips your class will be taking, explain here.
Stay Connected! Email: Visit class website School phone: 771-4545 Tuesday folders- please check your child’s folder for school information and weekly work; return folder on Wednesday Conferences: Please let me know if you would like to schedule a conference. Add your contact information to this slide!