Compost Notes Composting: Allowing decomposers (FBI: fungi, bacteria, invertebrates) to break down biotic (organic) material--weeds, food scraps, etc.--for nutrient use.
Ecological Sampling (QUADRATS) I. Background: A. Ecology: Study of our home, interactions, cycles, energetics Gaia Hypothesis Ecological Sampling (QUADRATS)
I. Background: B. Cycles: Begin with sun and soil: provide nutrients and energy for producers which provide for consumers Producers (photosynthesis) Decomposers (F.B.I.) Consumers Nutrient loop/cycle
I. Background: C. Applied ecology: Ecological knowledge helps gardeners: Improve the soil--it’s the basis of life. The best way to do this is by using what is already there: organic (biotic/once living) matter--AKA: COMPOST
II. Composting A. Why compost?: Reduces waste--MAKES BEST OF WHAT WE HAVE IN ENVIRONMENT! Reuses waste High in nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) Well aerated (air for plants and water) Easy Cheap
II. Composting B. How compost: Support the decomposers who break down the organic matter-- give them what they need: 1. Food, 2. appropriate environment, 3. with water, 4. and air. Environment
II. Composting 1. Food: a. Browns: Carbonaceous waste (sticks, weeds) often involve weeding
II. Composting Learn your tools! 1. Food: a. Browns: involve weeding Weeding technique: often requires tools (weed wacker, hand weeder, pick, pruners) which must be used with care and knowledge. Weeds removed at the root are less likely to grow back
II. Composting 1. Food: b. Greens: Nitrogenous waste (kitchen waste)
II. Composting 1. Food: c. avoid stuff that decomposes slowly (it can attract pests)
II. Composting Dark, warm, with air and moisture for decomposers 2. Environment, Air and Moisture: Dark, warm, with air and moisture for decomposers Bins: Cuttings go in first bin and get rotated through periodically
III. Action Learn the tools for TOOL QUIZ! You must pass to participate. Work days (Safety Contract must be signed and Tool Quiz passed. Your work in the garden will be given a participation grade). Weed, Add soil to garden beds, Repair and fill compost bins, Collect topsoil and subsoil samples for Soil Testing Bring in some greens for composting (EX CRED), Wear yucky clothes for weeding