2012 University of Scouting – MGT111 Troop Level Youth Leadership Training
Agenda Some Background How does this fit in your overall program A Possible Model Course Content - including the new ILST The Event Supporting your program with additional resources
“Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster’s most important job.” “Train Scouts to do a job, then let them do it.” “Never do anything a boy can do.”
My Woodbadge Ticket (partial) Develop and conduct a youth leader training program that is led by the senior scouts Conduct bi-annual Training & Planning events in order to maintain a calendar of events that supports the goals of the Troop program. Survey the participants to ensure continuous improvement
How Does Training Fit In? How often do you elect Youth Leaders (SPL and PL’s)? What is your planning process and horizon? Do you set troop goals? How does the new Journey to Excellence program fit in? What are the current “leadership” issues that need to be addressed? How are your meetings running? Is the PLC effective?
Journey to Excellence 2012 Requirements… – Trained Leadership Added requirement for “Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops” Course Youth Elections Completed – Patrol Method PLC Meetings Annual Planning meeting Patrol Leader Training NYLT – Other Goals need to be supported by a Troop’s annual planning process
An Effective Program Can Help… Promote and reinforce a boy led program Facilitate an effective PLC that understands roles and responsibilities Provide more structure to Troop meetings and campouts Scouts understand how to work together as a team Instill a level of commitment for the youth that accept a leadership role Integrated with planning – training becomes more actionable
A Model based on Electing Youth Leaders twice per year…
An Example Program Elect Youth Leaders twice per year allowing opportunity for 6 month assignments – Elections in March and September – April-September & October-March Terms Troop Leadership Training Events – Early April and early October (following unit elections) – October event is extended to include yearly planning – April event is a one day event – A good portion of the event is Youth led – Attended by the entire PLC
Troop Timeline JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC Term 1 Aligns with new scouts starting and provides continuity through the active summer months Term 2 Elections 1 Day Training Event Weekend Training & Yearly Planning Event PLC PLC*PLC Primary Planning Horizon 2 months (current +1)
Example Program - continued During the events… – Always include a review of roles and responsibilities – Have each youth leader set personal leadership goals and sign a contract with the Scoutmaster – Yearly planning should include a calendar and goals for the coming year – Vary the content as best as you can to keep things fresh and address current needs – Include some fun activities! – Get feedback and improve
Example Program - continued In Between Events… – Use PLC meetings to assess progress towards goals – Keep some important statistics to measure progress – like some of the JTE measures Market Your Program… – It’s a privilege to attend – make it special – Recognize your youth leaders – Supplement with other opportunities like NYLT for scouts with high potential