The Academic Language: Definition, features, Functions and Strategies Presented by Leila Kanso, Ph.D.
Objectives Distinguish between academic language and social language Explain the features and functions of academic language Explore research based strategies that enhance academic language a. Yes-No-Why b. Possible Sentences c. Word Pair Analysis d. Shades of Meaning e. RAFTS f. Lifted Sentence
What is Academic Language? Academic language refers to the specialized vocabulary, grammar, discourse, and functional skills associated with academic instruction and academic materials and tasks.
Academic Language can be defined as: 1) the language used in the classroom and workplace 2) the language of text 3) the language of assessments 4) the language of academic success 5) the language of power.
Academic Language: Six Domains/Features Information Density Lexical Preciseness Academic Stance Linking Ideas Academic register Discourse Structure
Domain 1: Information Density To understand the dense information in the academic language, students need to emoply the knowledge of: a. complex words: * Multi-syllabic words with prefixes, suffixes, Greek & Latin roots * Nominalization: Ex. Pursue=pursuit, happy=happiness, b. complex sentence: Example: “Begun on the margins of the newspaper in which the statement appeared while I was in jail, the letter was continued on scraps of writing paper supplied by a friendly Negro trusty, and concluded on a pad my attorneys were eventually permitted to leave me.”
Domain 2: Linking Ideas Students need to acquire the skills needed to track themes or participants in referential chains When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. The ability to understand connecting words (therefore, consequently, however; by the same token, further more, in contrast to)
Domain 3: Discourse Structure Students need to have a solid knowledge of text organization * Problem/Solution * Compare/Contrast * Cause/Effect * Description * Directions * Chronological/Sequence * Fiction: Plot
Domain 4: Awareness of Academic language register Ability to identify language that conforms to academic language expectations in contrast to colloquial/slang language register. Recognizing the various contexts of language use. Ex: So it really hit me one night not that long ago… And I don’t know it just kind of snuck up on us. vs. Eventually, I realized that I needed to reconsider my priorities and---
Domain 5: Academic Stance Detached or passive voice * Ex. research says--, all men are created equal Hedging: mechanism used to manage the tone, attitude, and information (Using authoritative, vague or cautious statements) * Ex. Verbs= will, must, would, may, might, could; believe, assume, suggest; seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, believe, doubt, be sure, indicate, suggest; adverbs= often, sometimes, usually; certainly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibly, perhaps, conceivably; adjectives =certain, definite, clear, probable, possible; nouns= assumption, possibility, probability; clauses = it might be true that--, It might be suggested that
Domain 6: Lexical Preciseness Using precise vocabulary to express ideas. Ex. Wordsmithing Say Negative Positive Tired: Grumbled Sighed Mumbled Angry: Screamed Shouted Fumed Scared: Stammered Gasped Trembled Needy: Pleaded Begged requested Happy: Joked Laughed rejoiced Caring: Comforted Supported suggested
Increasing Specialization of Literacy Development Disciplinary Literacy Disciplinary Literacy Intermediate Literacy Basic Literacy
Increasing Specialization of Literacy Development These are skills taught in the early grades typically known as the “learning to read” grades. Literacy skills such as decoding and knowledge of high-frequency words that underlie virtually all reading tasks. It is the stage where students basically learn to read Disciplinary Literacy Disciplinary Literacy Intermediate Literacy These are skills that are taught in the early grades typically known as the “learning to read” grades. During these early years students are taught: Basic decoding Understanding of various print and literacy conventions (e.g. directionality) Recognition of high-frequency words Basic fluency routines (e.g. responding appropriately to basic punctuation) Organizational structures (e.g. problem-centered formulation of stories) Assumption of an author Basic Literacy
Increasing Specialization of Literacy Development Literacy skills common to many tasks, including generic comprehension strategies, common word meanings, and basic fluency. Disciplinary Literacy Disciplinary Literacy Intermediate Literacy During the upper elementary grades students begin to go beyond these basic aspects of reading. They acquire skills that are a little more sophisticated and not as widely applicable BUT they are NOT linked to specific disciplines. These skills are gained by the end of middle school, but it is common to find high school students who are still struggling with these skills. These skills include: Decoding multi-syllabic words Responding with automaticity to words that are not part of the high-frequency words Interpreting less common forms of punctuation Knowing the meaning of a larger bank of words Learning to monitor their own reading comprehension Reading with more stamina Learning more complex forms of text organization (e.g. parallel plots, cause-effect) Understanding that authors have purpose Basic Literacy
Increasing Specialization of Literacy Development Disciplinary Literacy Disciplinary Literacy During middle school and high School students are expected to master more specialized reading routines and uses of language. Literacy skills specialized to history, science, mathematics, literature or other subject matter. Intermediate Literacy During middle school and high school, students many (but not nearly enough of) students begin to master more specialized reading routines and uses of language. Batman and Superman: It is important for content area teachers to continue the “teaching of reading” to their students by teaching them the discipline literacy of their content. Think about it this way, some kids are like SUPERMAN. They don’t need any help. They can figure out what they need to do to succeed and to study well in any content classroom. But, most of our kids are more like BATMAN. They need our help, like Batman needed the butler’s help and the car and the cape and all of his high tech gear to accomplish the same things as Superman. Both Superman and Batman achieve the same goals, but they need different amounts of help along the way. Basic Literacy
Deep Dimension of Academic Language
Functions of Academic Language Observe and explore the environment, acquire information, inquire Identify, report or describe information Describe similarities and differences in objects or ideas sequence objects, ideas, or events. Group objects or ideas according to their characteristics. Separate whole into parts, identify relationships and patterns Make inferences, predict implications, hypothesize. Give reasons for an action, decision, point of view; convince others Define and represent a problem; determine a solution Combine or integrate ideas to form a whole group assess and verify with of an object, idea or decision.