Information literacy developments at TUT library Gerda Koidla Deputy Director, TUT Library
The teaching library mission must be to ensure that all graduates of the university are thoroughly familiar with the information resources and tools in their respective fields of study, trained in their effective use, and beyond that, prepared to conduct a search for information resources in any field of inquiry.
The main task of the development of user training is to make user training systematic and regular activity and develop an integrated user training service. In a university information literacy should be approached in a integrated way, institution-wide, cross-faculty collaborated, user-centred, library-coordinated.
Information literacy (IL) education has long-term traditions at TUT Library. We have managed to deliver continuous library user training for over 50 years. Training information skills is a major part of the work of our library subject specialists in information department.
Library user education Library user education is delivered in various ways: via e-courses blended courses traditional face-to-face courses Use of e-tools in library education will increase every year. Library offers IL courses for different user groups: new students international students undergraduates and postgraduates academic staff
Information Literacy courses Blended course “Generic information skills” for all incoming first-year students embedded into academic curriculum programme UTT0010 “Organization of Studies” as part of the obligatory course. Gives 1,0 credits first-year students pass the course every year
Information Literacy courses e-learning course “Specalized information retrieval: Chemistry and Materials Technology SR05051, for bachelor and master-degree students using Moodle e-learning platform. Web-based 10 hours time-length courses included into curricula, give both 4,0 credits. ( Moodle platform is used from Before WebCT and working environment designed by TUT Library were used)
Information Literacy courses Traditional face-to-face courses: “Specialized information retrieval” for doctoral degree students in Economics, Mechanics and Humanities “Information sources and Information retrieval” for bachelor and master degree students in co-operation with successful faculties “Generic information sources: database searching” for academic staff – individual councelling and guidance on request
Some of traditional IL courses are included into academic curricula as part of some other subject. Sources of funds for educational activities conducted by library are coming from budget of the library, parent university and external sources (grants) in user education – 850 hours of user training sessions with 2280 participants.
IL developments for the nearest future Increasing need for English language courses in searching scientific information in TUT. Rapid growth of number of foreign students – % from total number of students – 4,7 More collaborative activities of faculty librarians and administrators integrating IL across the university curricula.
The exponential growth of use of social networks and online communities offers the potential to develop individualized learning using blending formal and informal learning through an electronic medium.
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