Location Guess Me?
Guess the factor of location I am a factor of location that has two parts. I am concerned with money and expertise I am a vital part of any company and it cannot function without me I am labour
Guess the factor of location I am determined by supply and demand The more customers in my area the more expensive I become You can rent me if you want but you can also have me for yourself I am COST OF PREMISES
Guess the factor of location I rule the land and may help you to locate I can offer you money but only if you do what I say I am a Government GRANT
Guess the location I am a tax you pay to the local area If you locate in certain areas you will have me to deal with I can be quite expensive and the rate will vary I am a BUSINESS RATE
Guess the factor of location You use me every day You have used me to get to school I am always available, but i can be very busy businesses need my help to deliver products and customers I am TRANSPORT
Guess the factor of location I am a part of many businesses I am not the future of the business but the opposite Locating near your raw materials would help describe me I am HISTORY and TRADITION
Guess the factor of location I came along and changed everything Now businesses and customers operate more and more through me Who needs a location when you have me on your side I am INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Guess the factor of location You should locate where there is plenty of me The more of me the better I am you, and you are Customers