Connections between Scordia-Aveiro
By car The way from Scordia to Aveiro
Time-Distance-Cost Time:31h h30 on hight-speed roads Distance:3178km-3069 km on hight-speed roads -Cost: -toll cost:136.90euro -oil cost: euro -total cost : euro
By train The way by train is the longest. There are different changes to do: 1)Catania-Milano 2)Milano-Barcellona 3)Barcellona-Madrid 4)Madrid-Lisbona
Way by train
Time-Distance-Cost Total time:41h20 Total distance: 3024km circa Total cost:552 euro circa
By air The fastest and most comfortable means to reach Portugal is surely the plane. There are four Portuguese flag companies: Tap air Portugal Portugalia airlines Air Europe Alitalia They have daily flights between the most important Italian cities and Lisbona and Porto.
Way by airplane
Time-Distance-Cost Total time:3h30 Total distance: about 1672 miles Total cost: about 400euro
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