presented by Andrew Walker to Moving from
What is the difference? The differences between the two products come into three basic categories:- Software Architecture New database, new editing methodology, new layout & views Hydraulic Modelling Addition of non-prismatic Open Channels Addition of non-conservative Water Quality Model IT Implementation Concurrent Simulations on a single machine Multiple Simulations spread over a Workgroup of machines
Tabbed Windows Group docking windows together Easy switching between views Tree View New grouping structure New editing methodology Recycle bin Software Architecture
New Data Views New Model Edit Strip New Transparencies New 3D rendering in LS Software Architecture
New User Interface New multi user version control system New editing methodology Undo, Redo and Recycle bin Scenario Manager
Software Architecture Scenario Management for rapid model build and network analysis Allows different “what if” scenarios to be quickly applied to a base Network Enables efficient examination of alternative modelling scenarios User selects which scenarios to analyse, the software automatically runs all the different scenarios
Scenario Manager
Software Architecture Scenario Management for rapid model build and network analysis
Hydraulic Modelling Urban Watercourses and Streams
Hydraulic Modelling True 3D Graphical Representation of Structures
Hydraulic Modelling Full Water Quality across all Domains Conservative and non-conservative pollutants throughout (1D and 2D) Support for decaying pollutants New determinants: dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), pH (PH), salt (SAL), water temperature (TW) and coliforms (COL) Structure reaeration: reaeration coefficients can be specified for controls (excluding pumps) in the network Temperature changes Oxygen demand
Harnessing the latest computer technologies InfoWorks ICM can share computer resources to maximise the benefit of existing corporate IT systems. Operation is specifically designed for Workgroups and Enterprise Systems. GPU
Simulation Server Simulations can be run on Stand-alone workstations Within a Workgroup sharing computer resources Within an Enterprise System with dedicated servers and central store Supports the concurrent running of multiple simulations, even with a single licence Users are able to monitor and control the progress of selected simulations Possible to re-schedule the queue and priority of simulation jobs IT Implementation
Multiple, Concurrent, Simulations on a single machine.
IT Implementation Multiple, Concurrent, Simulations utilising a pool of networked PC’s, Workstations and Servers.
Software Demonstration
Further Information There’s a Website Blog that contains a detailed FAQ about the sunsetting InfoWorks CS.
Further Information There’s an InfoWorks CS to InfoWorks ICM SE Conversion Workshop at Wallingford in March. Wednesday 18 th March 2015
presented by Andrew Walker to Moving from