A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love. Accept a wrong done rather than taking revenge. Suffer long with one another Do not be rude Do not be provoked Rejoice in the truth Endure all things
A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love Isa. 6:8: “Here Am I! Send Me” When God asked, “Who will We send,” Isaiah responded. Will you respond when work needs to be done? Many will sit on their hands and hope that they will not get noticed. Those who belong to the Lord are “zealous for good works” like Isaiah. When Christians are ready and zealous for the work, then the church will be built up.
A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love Isa. 6:8: “Here Am I! Send Me” Phil. 2:3: “esteem others better” Arrogance and self-seeking always tear others down: James 3: But wisdom from above is humble, willing to yield: James 3:17-18 Jesus said love neighbor AS self: Matt. 19:19 For brethren, however, we are to esteem them BETTER. When we esteem others as better than ourselves, then all will be building others up.
A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love Isa. 6:8: “Here Am I! Send Me” Phil. 2:3: “esteem others better” Phil. 2:4: “look out for the interests of others.” Most are busy seeking their own interests, getting what they want, having things their way. Those who build up the church do all things for the interests of others. Rom. 12:8: exhort, give, lead, show mercy. Rom. 12:10: Give preference to one another.
A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love Isa. 6:8: “Here Am I! Send Me” Phil. 2:3: “esteem others better” Phil. 2:4: “look out for the interests of others.” 1 Thess. 5:12: “Recognize and esteem those who labor among you.” Attitude of the world is to tear down those who shine through their diligent efforts (make others feel bad). Godly people build up and encourage those who labor, for their labor is done in the Lord. If we are zealous for good works, then we will encourage those who are diligent in good works.
A TTITUDES THAT B UILD U P 1 Cor. 13:4-7: Love Isa. 6:8: “Here Am I! Send Me” Phil. 2:3: “esteem others better” Phil. 2:4: “look out for the interests of others.” 1 Thess. 5:12: “Recognize and esteem those who labor among you.” Eph. 4:1-3: pursue peace, walk worthy of calling. Jesus makes peace between man and God. We are called to walk like Jesus; to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9). Discord and strife tear churches apart, discourage new members, chase away visitors, dishonor God. When members pursue peace, the body is closer to being like Christ.
C ONCLUSION Eph. 4:12-16 The goal of the church is to grow to the fullness of Christ. The church is built up when all the members pursue the character of Christ. We have touched on a few of His characteristics, but there is much more we must learn. Those who build up the church are devoted to putting on Christ.