Safety Guidelines for Young Children
Goals for Lesson In caring for young children, you should be able to explain how to keep children safe. be able to describe how to prevent common accidents.
Vocabulary Childproof-safe for children to play and explore in. Intruder-someone who uses force to get into a home Smoke alarm-a device that sets off an alarm when smoke is present Poison control center-a medical facility with staff trained to help in poisoning emergencies.
Newborns (0-3 month) Support the head and neck of newborns. Never shake small children it can cause brain damage or even death. Be able to recognize when a small child is sick or has a fever. Know what procedures to follow and when to call parents or emergency help. When putting baby to bed be sure to place them on their back to sleep.
Infants (3-12 months) Be careful of toys and objects that the child will pick up, put in their mouth and choke. Never hang toys with long strings, cords, or ribbons in cribs or play pens because children can become tangled in them. They sunburn easily so use sunscreen when taking them outdoors.
Infants When starting to crawl and walk, you need to set up barriers and stair guards. Many foods are dangerous at this age such as grapes and hotdogs (or candy). Secure a child with a strap when ever in a high chair.
Infants Never leave a child unattended on a changing table, even for a moment, whether strapped or not. Put outlet covers in all unused electrical outlets so your child cannot stick her finger or a toy into the holes. Children can strangle on blind and drape cords if they have loops or are left loose.
Toddlers (1-3 years) Children are very curious and active at this age and so consistent supervision is necessary. They fall often when walking so make sure they do not have objects in their mouth like suckers or sticks. There are many things a child this age might eat and cause poisonous reactions such as plants and chemicals.
Toddlers Make sure pills and medications are in child proof containers and chemicals are locked up or put up high. Unattended in a pool or bathtub can result in drowning. Never leave a young child alone with a pet or animal. All children should ride in a properly installed, federally approved car seat every time he/she is in the car.
Preschoolers (3-5 years) Older children can run hide and disappear. Make sure they know how to cross streets safely and never play unattended near traffic. This age needs to learn how to react around strangers and whom to trust. Preschoolers are fascinated by fire, keep matches and candles out of reach.
Preschoolers To protect a child from injury, make sure he is wearing a helmet when riding a bike. Teach preschoolers never to pick and eat any plant or medication, no matter how good it looks, without your permission.