V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS 2010 - Paris - Sept'10 Indirect search of Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope Vincent Bertin - CPPM-Marseille on behalf.


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Presentation transcript:

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Indirect search of Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope Vincent Bertin - CPPM-Marseille on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration MANTS – Paris - September 2010

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10  self-annihilations into c,b,t quarks,  leptons or W,Z,H bosons can produce significant high-energy neutrinos flux      Relic WIMPs captured in celestial bodies Potential  sources are Sun, Earth & Galactic Centre Indirect detection of WIMPs in a neutrino telescope 

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 First results & current studies Search for neutrino signal towards the Sun : –Sensitivity study in CMSSM framework for ANTARES & KM3NeT –First limit derived with ANTARES 5-line 2007 data –Limit interpreted for Kaluza-Kein DM in UED model –Analysis of 2008 data based on alternative reconstructions (BBfit, Neural Network) under progress Development of reconstruction strategy dedicated to low energy events : –Under progress : based on several fit steps + hit selection + simulated annealing for final fit –Need carefull simulation of bioluminescence background based on real data –Will be applied to search of annihilations of DM in the Earth Study of ANTARES sensitivity to alternative SUSY models : –pMSSM, AMSB… to be developped further… (can we share/agree on models ?)

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Random walk scan within CMSSM parameter space : 0 < m 1/2 < 2000 GeV 0 < m 0 < 8000 GeV 0 < tan  < m 0 < A 0 < 3 m 0 Calculated with DarkSUSY and ISASUGRA (RGE code) with m top = GeV Includes oscillation effects in the Sun and in vacuum Neutralino annihilations in the Sun in mSUGRANeutralino annihilations in the Sun in CMSSM Integrated neutrino flux for E > 10 GeV Study of neutralino Dark Matter sensitivity within SUSY CMSSM framework Local   : 0.3 GeV/cm3 Dispersion velocity : v  = 270 km/s

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 ANTARES Low-Energy Effective Area Assume 60 kHz of optical background mean rate Low energy performance of the ANTARES detector Trigger : Events with hits on at least 5 storeys in whole detector Detection : Selected after 3D reconstruction with quality cuts

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Neutrino spectra from neutralino annihilations “hard” annihilation : χχ -> W+W- M  = 100 GeV “soft” annihilation : χχ -> bb solid : including neutrino oscillation dotted : without neutrino oscillation M  = 100 GeV “soft” annihilation : χχ -> bb M  = 1 TeV “hard” annihilation : χχ -> W+W- : neutrino : anti-neutrino M  = 1 TeV Neutrinos from   WW (hard spectrum) are more energetic and easier to detect

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Sensitivity calculated for 3 years of data taking Background from atmospheric neutrinos and misreconstructed atmospheric muons within 3° radius search cone around the Sun Model with relic density within 2  of WMAP constraint are highlighted (0.094 <  h  < 0.129) Neutralino annihilations in the Sun in mSUGRA Detection rate with ANTARES in 3 years Neutralino annihilations in the Sun in CMSSM

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 CMSSM Parameter Space Focus Point Region Neutralino annihilations in the Sun in CMSSM High tan  regime Medium tan  regime

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Excludable in 3 years at 90% CL: all some none (A 0 varied between -3m 0 and +3m 0 and tan(β) within indicated slice) Exclusion capabilities of ANTARES for the CMSSM parameter space : mainly Focus Point region (good complementarity to direct search at LHC) Search for neutralino annihilations in the Sun

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Used for comparison to other neutrino experiments Site dependent quantity ( propagation through Earth, target density at detector…) Derived from neutrino flux through  μ conversion rate extracted from DarkSUSY for different m χ Muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the Sun Muon flux from the Sun in CMSSM (E  > 1 GeV) AMANDA-II : astro-ph/ Super-K : hep-ph/ IceCube :astro-ph/

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Prospective sensitivity of 2nd generation km-scale neutrino telescopes (IceCube+DeepCore & KM3NeT) with10 years of observation time Muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the Sun Muon flux from the Sun in CMSSM (E  > 1 GeV) KM3NeT KM3NeT detector: 2x154 towers, 20 floors Distance inter lines: ~180m Distance inter floors: ~40m 3x2 PMTs (8’’, 35% QE) per floor Volume ~5 km 3 AMANDA-II : astro-ph/ Super-K : hep-ph/ IceCube+DC : arXiv:

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Search for neutrino events coming from the Sun Expected sensitivity (90% CL) and background in a cone around the Sun for the ANTARES 5-line upgoing neutrino sample Good agreement for background estimation from MC and full sky data set Size of search cone optimized on MC as a function of M  and hard/soft spectrum

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 First ANTARES limit on  flux from the Sun Promising limit based on data with ~ ½ of ANTARES detector within 6 months Limit with b-quark (soft) or W-boson (hard) annihilation channel

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Study of DM hard annihilation spectrum 1TeV 500GeV 200GeV 100GeV 750GeV 350GeV 150GeV 80.3GeV Muon neutrino spectrum from neutralino annihilations in the Sun at Earth simulated by WimpSim (J. Edsjö et al.)      gives more muon neutrinos than W + W -

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Sensitivity of 2008 data analysis towards Sun Effective area with 6° cone around Sun Signal & Background inside cone around Sun Scrambled data Atm. neutrinos Atm. Muons DM hard 1 TeV DM soft 1 TeV DM hard 200 GeV Half cone angle (°) Sensitivity on neutrino flux 2007 data Soft (b bbar) 2008 data Soft (b bbar) 2007 data Hard (W+ W-) 2008 data Hard (W+ W-) 2008 data Hard (tau+ tau-)

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Limit on LKP annihilations in the Sun in mUED model Interpretation in Minimal Universal Extra Dimension model (1 extra dim) with B (1) (first KK excitation of photon) as LKP and DM candidate Highly predictive phenomenological model due to very few free parameters Direct LKP annihilations into neutrinos allowed Limit on LKP-proton cross-section as a function of B (1) mass and  = (M Q(1) –M LKP )/ M LKP 0.05 <  LKP h 2 < <  LKP h 2 < XENON 10 : astro-ph/ KIMS : astro-ph/ COUPP : Science 319, 933 (2008) IceCube : arXiv: Preliminary

V. Bertin - CPPM - MANTS Paris - Sept'10 Summary and Outlook  First search on Dark Matter annihilation in the Sun performed on 5-line data (2007)  Detailed study of sensitivity within CMSSM framework : Part of CMSSM parameter space accessible to ANTARES in 3 years (Focus Point Region) Most of Focus Point Region can be explored by KM3-scale detectors  Sensitivity to other SUSY models (pMSSM, AMSB,…) or Dark Matter candidates is being studied (KK excitations,…)  Search towards Sun, Galactic Centre and Earth are in progress with 2008 data  Suggestions on common studies / agreement :  Dark Matter models  Galactic halo models  Sensitivity / limit presentation :  DM annihilation spectra  Limit on neutrino flux ?