Status of KIMS Sun Kee Kim Seoul National University For the KIMS Collaboration KPS meeting, Oct. 22, 2004
KIMS H.C.Bhang, J.H.Choi, S.C.Kim, S.K.Kim, S.Y.Kim, J.W.Kwak, J.H.Lee H.S.Lee, S.E.Lee, J. Lee, S.S.Myung, H.Y.Yang Seoul National University Y.D.Kim, J.I. Lee Sejong University H.J.Kim Kyungpook National University M.J.Hwang, Y.J.Kwon Yonsei University I.S.Hahn, I.H.Park Ewha Womans University M.H.Lee, E.S.Seo Univ. of Maryland J.Li Institute of High Energy Physics J.J.Zhu, D. He Tsinghua University Korea Invisible Mass Search
Bp-10 이현수 Background measurement with a low background CsI(Tl) crystal for WIMP search Bb-16 명성숙 Internal Background Simulation of KIMS CsI(Tl) Detector Bb-17 He Dao Compton veto detector for a low mass WIMP search experiment Bb-18 이직 Nuclear Recoil Calibration Of CsI Crystals Using An Am/Be Neutron Source For The WIMP Search Of KIMS. Ca-23 황명진 Search for double beta decay using metal-loaded scintillator Ca-27 곽정원 Neutron flux study of the Yang-Yang underground laboratory in KIMS Ca-28 김승천 The Develompent of Mo-Cu Bilayer for the Low Temperature Detector Ca-p056 이명재 Radon Detector Calibration and Detection Efficiency Study for the KIMS Experiment KIMS Presentations in this meeting
Research Program of KIMS WIMP Search - CsI(Tl) crystal detector running 1 st result is reported today - Ultra-low background HPGe detector in preparation for R&D setup - Development of cryogenic detector R&D effort is on going Neutrinoless double beta decay Search - Metal loaded liquid scintillator pilot experiment is running – a preliminary result - CaMoO 4 crystal R&D effort is on going
Yangyang Underground Laboratory Korea Middleland Power Co. Yangyang Pumped Water Power Plant Yangyang Underground Laboratory Minimum depth : 700 m / Access to the lab by car (~2km) Completion of the power plant(2006) large space available Construction of the laboratory buildings done
Environment Parameters DepthMinimum 700 m Temperature20 ~ 25 o C Humidity35 ~ 60 % Rock contents 238 U less than 0.5 ppm 232 Th 5.6 +/- 2.6 ppm K 2 O 4.1 % Muon flux 4.4 x /cm 2 /s Neutron flux 8 x /cm 2 /s 222 Rn in air 2 ~ 4 pCi/liter Temperature stability of CsI(T l ) crystal detector /- 0.2 o C N 2 flowing rate = 4 liter / min For Rn Reduction and low humidity
KIMS Neutron shield / Muon det. Lead shield Polyethylene Copper shield CsI(Tl) crystal
Muon Detector 4 coverage muon detector : 28 channels Liquid Scintillator(5%) + Mineral Oil (95%) = 7 ton Measured Muon flux = 4.4 x 10 – 7 /cm 2 /s Position resolution : x, ~ 8 cm Reconstructed muon tracks with hit information
1liter BC501A liquid scintillator n/g separation using PSD E_vis > 300 keV Neutron Monitoring Detector 214 Bi -decay 214 Po -decay
Neutron Monitoring Detector(cont’d) 222 Rn -decay 218 Po -decay 230 Ra dominant contamination in 238 U chain cnts/liter/day – 1.5 x10 -6 ppt of 230 Ra level 232 Th dominant contamination in 232 Th chain cnts/liter/day ppt of 232 Th level All neutron candidate events are consistent with alphas from internal sources Neutron rate < 1.8 cpd (90 % confidence level ) inside the shield * Neutron rate outside the shield= 8 x 10 –7 /cm 2 /s ( 1.5 < E neutron < 6 MeV ) After subtracting internal background estimated from the data inside the shield
Neutrons induced by muons Log 10 (t) Energy [MeV] Neutron region Energy [MeV] Two strong candidates of neutron induced by muon 2 events for days cnts/liter/day Coincidence between muon and neutron detector Ca-27 곽정원 Neutron flux study of the Yang-Yang underground laboratory in KIMS
Radon Monitoring Detector Electrostatic alpha spectroscopy : 70 liter stainless container Use Si(Li) photodiode : 30 x 30 mm Estimate 222 Rn amount with energy spectrum of a from 218 Po & 214 Po. Photodiode calibration : 210 Po, 241 Am 222 Rn in air = 1 ~ 4 pCi/liter Absolute efficiency calibration done with 226 Ra Ca-p056 이명재 Radon Detector Calibration and Detection Efficiency Study for the KIMS Experiment
KIMS DAQ system Blue part : Home made Yellow part : commercial Root based DAQ on linux 500MS/s DIGITIZER
Neutron calibration facility in SNU 300 mCi Am/Be source neutron rate 7 x 10 5 neutrons /sec a few 100 neutrons/sec hit 3cmX3cm crystal Quenching factor of Recoil Energy Take Neutron calibration data PSD check – Quality factor 46 o CsI BC501a LSC 90 o 17.4 o n Am/Be Tag γ(4.4MeV) to measure TOF and energy of = 10 keV 137 Cs Compton Neutron Recoil Background data Bb-18 이직 Nuclear Recoil Calibration Of CsI Crystals Using An Am/Be Neutron Source for The WIMP Search Of KIMS.
Internal background of CsI Crystal 137 Cs (artificial) –serious background at low energy 134 Cs (artificial+ 133 Cs(n,gamma)) 87 Rb (natural) –Hard to reject reduction technique in material is known Single Crystal (~10 kg) ~10keV 87 Rb 1.07 cpd/1ppb 137 Cs 0.35 cpd/1mBq/kg 134 Cs 0.07 cpd/1mBq/kg 137 Cs : 10 mBq/kg 134 Cs : 20 mBq/kg 87 Rb : 10 ppb 87 Rb 137 Cs 134 Cs keV CPD Geant Simulation Bb-16 명성숙 Internal Background Simulation of KIMS CsI(Tl) Detector
Reduction of Internal Background Best available Crystal at Market 70cpd Powder Selection 20cpd Cs137 Reduction Using Pure water 14cpd Rb87 Reduction by Re- crystallization 6cpd
2mBq/kg 0.7 cpd/keV/kg Further reduction of internal background ? New CsI powder produced with ultra pure water Bp-10 이현수 Background measurement with a low background CsI(Tl) crystal for WIMP search
CsI Data Taking Data for WIMP search 430 kg days for 8x8x30 cm 3 crystal of 14 cpd background level 2004 spring 237 kg days for 8x8x23 cm 3 crystal of 6 cpd background level 2004 summer CsI(Tl) Crystal 8x8x30 cm 3 (8.7 kg) : 16 cpd 8x8x23 cm 3 (6.6 kg) : 6 cpd 3” PMT (9269QA) Quartz window, RbCs photo cathode DAQ 500MHz FADC
Log Mean Time distribution of Neutron & 137 Cs Compton & Data 3~4 keV4 ~5 keV 11~12 keV10~11 keV9~10 keV 8~9 keV 7~8 keV 6~7 keV 5~6 keV Preliminary
Extraction of nuclear recoil signals Energy [keV] Recoil events [cpd] 3~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / Background level WIMP mass 20 GeV/c 2 60 GeV/c GeV/c GeV/c 2 Preliminary
Preliminary Limit curve Dark matter density at the solar system D = 0.3 GeV c -2 cm -3 Use annual average parameters V 0 = 220 km s -1, V E = 232 km s -1, V Esc = 650 km s -1 Preliminary
Search for low mass WIMP Limited by threshold ULE HPGe detector Collaboration with China and Taiwan
Status of ULE HPGe detector setup CsI(Tl) crystal Compton veto Built by TU Delivered to SNU 5g 1 cpd level detector Tested at Academia Cinica, Taiwan To be delivered to SNU in Dec. If successful upgrade to 1kg mass Bb-17 He Dao Compton veto detector for a low mass WIMP search experiment
R&D on cryogenic diamond detector Diamond absorber: By the Debye T3 law, specific heat = 234NkB(T/)3, : Debye Temperature N(1cm x 1cm x 1mm)= 0.03 mole x 6.02e+23, = 2340K Heat capacity at 0.1K = 4.6e-12 J/K Superconducting film: Mo(50nm), Cu(200nm) length: 3mm, width: 0.1mm Mass of Cu : 5.376e-7g, Mass of Mo: 1.53e-7g Heat capacity: 8.99e-13 J/K cryostat absorbe r R s ~m ~V~V ~k TES ~ Squid Cryogenic detector operating at ~100mK can detect very energy deposition by phonon measurement separate electron recoil from nuclear recoil by simultaneous measurment of ionization R Bias point TTcTc
R( ) T(K) T c ~ 0.4 Mo electrode Mo/Cu bilayer(3x0.1mm) Development of TES sensor and test Several samples of TES on Sil wafer RT curve was measured using an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator
Double beta decay search program Calorimetric approach source = detector Metal loaded liquid scintillator Sn, Nd, Zr organic compounds into the base scintillator (PC 1 liter + PPO 4 g + POPOP 15 mg) Crystal scintillator CaMoO 4 Strong indication of non-zero neutrino mass by neutrino oscillation Nature and absolute mass of neutrino can be explored by 0νββ decay
Tin loaded Liquid Scintillator Dimension R = 5cm H = 15.2cm V = 1.18L TMSN50% by CAMAC -> 123 days T 1/2 = 5.56x10 19 year by 90% C.L TMSN50% by 500MHz FADC -> 33 days T 1/2 = 3.41x10 19 year by 90% C.L pol3 + gaus fitting E e (keV) Tetramethyle Tin(50%) + LS LS made of * Solvent ; PC 1L * Solute ; POP 4g * Second-solute ; POPOP 15mg * World best limit(Sn-124) = 2.4x10 17 year (1952) Ca-23 황명진 Search for double beta decay using metal- loaded scintillator 2287keV
CaMoO 4 S.B. Mikhrin, NIMA 486 (2002) 295 Light yield : 20% of CsI(Tl) Peak wave length : ~ 520 nm Decay time : ~ 16 μs Light increase with lower temperature Measurement done by ITEP & Minsk 1.8x1.8x3.5 cm 3 In collaboration with Russian group
Sensitivity 10kg ( 100 Mo) 0.01 /kg/keV/y 6% FWHM resolution 5year 7.7x10 24 y(~200 eV) Current best limit on 100Mo : 3.5x10 23 by NEMO3 with 6.9kg 100 Mo Claim by Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al. ~ 400 eV Test result and Prospect Np.e. ~400/MeV Alpaha/Gamma separation R&D in progress -Crystal growing optimization increasing light yield by factor 3-4 -Temperature dependence -Reduction of internal background -100Mo enrichment (9.8% 95%)
Summary and prospects – WIMP search with CsI(Tl) crystal All the detector and shielding in operation as designed at 700 m deep underground laboratory at Yangyang Reduction of internal background of CsI successful Expect ~ 1cpd crystal First limit on WIMP cross section with 6.6kg 6cpd crystal Already competitive to other crystal detectors With larger mass and (even) lower background crystals we can reject(confirm) DAMA result in a year !
Summary and prospect –other activities ULE HPGe detector for low mass WIMP search Compton veto detector delivered Prototype detector and shield will be installed soon Cryogenic detector for low energy detection Fabrication and test of TES sensor on-going Need fast cycling of sample test for the TES optimization Metal loaded liquid scintillator for 0 decay Pilot experiment with 1 liter 50% Sn loaded LS encouraging result Study on internal background in progress Loading other element in progress CaMoO 4 Test with a 50g crystal has been done encouraging resut R&D for growing optimization and background reduction in progress