SITR September 2009; Page 1 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR GREAT GREAT: German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz frequencies PI-Instrument funded and developed by MPIfR (2.7THz channel) R. Güsten (PI) S. Heyminck (system engineer) B. KIein (FFT spectrometer) MPIfR Engineers (electronics, LO-mechanics) KOSMA (1.4/1.9THz channels) J. Stutzki (Co-PI) U.U. Graf et al. (1.4 &1.9THz LO, Optics) K. Jacobs et al. & 2.7THz) R. Schieder et al. (array-AOS) DLR-Berlin (4.7THz channel) H-W Hübers et al. (IF, cold-Load, …) MPS P. Hartogh et al. (CO-PI; CTS) Lab-picture of GREAT equipped with theL#1 and L#2 channel
SITR September 2009; Page 2 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR Early-Science Configurations GREAT flight configurations: baseline: simultaneous observations with 2 low-frequency channels goal: fly mid-frequency channel at the earliest possible upgrade : operate 4.7 THz channel (not in short and basic science) Short science configuration: baseline configuration (2 low-frequency channels) Basic science configuration: goal configurations (combinations of the mid and low-frequency channels)
SITR September 2009; Page 3 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR Stoplight-chart SOFIA schedule is still slipping fast GREAT is in sleep mode now: only technology development for THz LO-sources and for mixers no further testing / development activities on GREAT Comments: M-Band Solid-State-LO technical risk (not short science) GREAT L-L configuration passed its PSR in Dec and is ready for shipment SOFIA schedule
SITR September 2009; Page 4 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR KOSMA THz-HEB development overcoming isolator by using a Caltech LNA (S. Weinreb et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, (2009) ) increased IF-bandwidth good stability (~30s total power Allan-times) new HEB-design for better performance new BIAS-T 1.9 THz waveguide mixer block
SITR September 2009; Page 5 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR IF 1.4THz mixer gain roll-off T REC - T IF /G MIX IF-bandwidth so far
SITR September 2009; Page 6 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR M-Band channel optics and cryostat are ready two LO-systems under development VDI solid-state LO (ordered) output power-level not demonstrated so far Photonics LO-system good performance up to 1.1 THz demonstrated scaling to 2.7 THz looks promising first 2.7THz tests are ongoing
SITR September 2009; Page 7 MPIfR KOSMA MPS DLR-Berlin S. Heyminck, MPIfR Schedule towards S/S flights GREAT team needs about 24 weeks prior to short science for re-testing the first flight configuration (as accepted in PSR Dec. 2008) additional testing of mixers shipment post-shipment test in Palmdale integration test aboard SOFIA (incl. EMI-test) (see also IMS for details of the GREAT milestones)