‘Helping every child to thrive and reach their potential’…. Governors in Gloucestershire adapting to the new role
The Optimistic Challenge-Creating a Positive Future ‘The challenge has great moral depth because it addresses directly the learning needs of all our students, the professional growth of our teachers and enhances the role of the school as an agent of social change’ David Hopkins
Implications for our learning with schools 2020 Vision – report of the Teaching and Learning Review Group – 5 Key drivers – national challenge Four Key levers to a local solution Six elements to support the adaptive challenge
Future Predictions from the Past ‘Heavier than air flying machines are impossible’ [1895] It is not possible to predict the future with certainty but trends can be a guide,a steer into a preferred future. The potential lies within the people in the organisation knowing what we know- best practice – next practice. Good ideas come from people with talent working collaboratively together
Knowing –Doing Gap So what ? Put the rigour into conversations – multi dimensional Intelligent use of data which gives rise to questions and action LA challenge and support for the governors role Key change agents to partner in the development of a Governors Charter for Gloucestershire Keep lobbying
‘We are moving into a ‘learning economy’ where the success of individuals, schools, regions and countries will reflect more than anything else their ability to learn’ OECD Knowledge Management in the Learning Society 2001
Remember … ‘The voyage of discovery lies not in having new landscapes, but in having new eyes’ Marcel Proust
New Eyes PwC [PriceWaterhouseCoopers 2007] ‘Independent study into school leadership’ DfES National College for school leadership Leadership Succession: an overview - securing the next generation of school leaders CSN children’s services network-