Ankhara Lloyd -Hunte, Diversity and Equality Associate Career Progression Coaching Catch-up Webex
Aim Consider golden career progression coaching questions Consider top 5 career progression barriers for those from BME backgrounds Share learning and any issues from coaching so far Answer any queries
Golden Career Progression Coaching Questions Identifying What the Coachee Really, Really Wants 1.What work would you do, simply for the joy of it, even though you were financially independent? 2.If you could do any work, anywhere in the world with no limitations what-so-ever, what would it be? 3.If your working life was absolutely perfect, right now, what would that look and feel like?
Golden Career Progression Coaching Questions Identifying Barriers to Career Progression 1.If you could wave a wand and find a magic solution to your career progression issues, what would happen? 2.What’s the single most significant thing that’s stopping you making huge progress in your career right now? 3.If you had no fears what-so-ever, and success was guaranteed, what would you do right now to progress your career? 4.If you went to the cleverest person you know and asked them for advice about your career progression, what would they tell you?
Top 5 Career Progression Issues for those from BME Backgrounds 1.Low Self-esteem/weak identity 2.Lack of Confidence 3.Workplace bullying/racism 4.Fear of failure 5.Isolation/lack of support
Addressing identity, Self-Esteem and confidence 1.What are the signs of low self-esteem and a weak identity? 2.How can we support coachees develop a powerful sense of identity and high self-esteem? 3.How can we support coachees in growing their confidence?
Sharing the Learning? What have been the coaching themes so far? Have you been able to balance coaching and mentoring? What have your coachees needed most from you so far? What have you learnt about yourself from working with the coachee?
Any Questions or Queries?
Ankhara Lloyd-Hunte Mobile: Tel: Great educational leadership, where ever and however it takes place, transforms the lives of children, families and communities,for generations to come.