French Development Agency A new funding agency serving coral reefs In collaboration with French GEF
Environmental challenges p Traditional activities (loans, subsidies): support to dev. Countries (infrastructures, education, water mngt, agriculture, etc.) p Use natural resources as basis for sustainable development p Multilateral Environmental Agreements - CoB Rio 1992, Durban 2002 p Partnerships: Min. Foreign Affairs, other FU (WB, UE, KFW), NGOs (WWF, CI, IUCN) p Hosting the Secretariat of the French GEF (FFEM) p Inovative sector: coral reefs
In progress « Initiative for the protection and sustainable management of coral reefs in the South Pacific » (CRISP) Eric CLUA - AFD (TEN-ERN)
Objectives p Support to protection and adapted management of coral reefs as a basis for sustainable development of South Pacific Islands p Regional integration : associate french territories and developped countries for knowledge and technology transfer to South Pacific Islands
French Development Agency French GEF 3 Millions €2 Millions € Min. Foreign Affairs (0,4M€) and Pacific Fund (0,5M€) IFRECOR (Min. SD and Min. of Overseas Dpmt) WWF (0,5M€), CI (1.2M€), UNF-ICRAN (0,9M€), Lab. PF (0,2M€) global budget : 9.2 Millions € Funding
Partnerships International NGOs : CI (1,2M), WWF (0,5M) Financial partners : French GEF (2 M), United Nations Foundation-ICRAN (0,9M), French Pacific fund (0,5M), IFRECOR Institutional partners : SPREP, SPC, french Min. of Foreign Affairs, (Australia, N. Zéland) Technical partners : IRD, CNRS, EPHE, CIRAD,UPF, UNC, USP
Actions p Component 1 1.1 Marine Protected Areas 1.2 Watershed Management p Component 2 2.1 Knowledge, management, economic valorization of reef ecosystems 2.2 Marine-origin Active substances 2.3 Integration of regional database and monitoring networks 2.4 Coral reefs restoration p Component 3 3.1 Coordination 3.2 Capitalization, leveraging
South Pacific Australia New Zeland Hawaiï Geographical aspect PF NC WF 3 french territories PNG Vanuatu Fidji Cook Samoa Niue Kiribati Tuvalu Salomon Tonga Kiribati > 10 country islands
Time line p July 2004 Final approval for AFD-French GEF funds p September-October 2004 Setting up and signature of conventions with main contractors p Décember 2004 First fund release p January 2005 First on-ground actions - Noumea general meeting
Thank you… Aknowledgements French GEF