What is agritourism? The Australian Regional Tourism Research centre (ARTRC) offers its explanation of agritourism: “Agritourism can be characterised as a business or activity that invites visitors to come on-farm or into a rural community to enjoy agriculture, its produce and the natural environment in which it exists. Agritourism is generally an additional enterprise added to the farm, integrating tourism into agri- business.” Reference:
Accreditation and defining tourism products Getting tourists to experience traditional farming systems (agroecological tourism) is one priority but so to should better connecting producers with consumers and restaurants in the region (agri-tourism business linkages) so they can tell the story of the local product. Accreditation can provide incentives for resorts to support local farmers while also providing marketing support to agroecological and eco tourism businesses in rural areas.
A new form of tourism for Vanuatu Agroecological tourism (Agro-ecotourism) ‘a primary focus on the interpretation and education of sustainable traditional agro-ecosystems which exhibit cultural and heritage significance’, Traditional Water taro gardens and mumma collecting seeds from capsicums in South Pentecost