The Passive ALG ch 8
Yesterday a burglar broke into my house. He took my jewellery. I had just visited my grandmother. I have not reported it to the police yet. The police will investigate the crime scene. The burglar’s wife is probably wearing my necklace. He should have left me some clues. The police always find burglars. By this time tomorrow they will have locked him up. I will never forget this adventure!
Form Be + past participle & sometimes another verb to make the tense
Use The Passive is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Active sentences The subject performs the activity eg.My dog ate my homework! He has never eaten my homework before. I will have to do my homework again.
Passive sentences The subject undergoes the activity eg.My homework was eaten ( by my dog )! My homework has never been eaten before. It will have to be done again ( by me ).
Direct Object The Direct Object of the Active sentence becomes the Subject of the passive sentence. eg.My sister drew a beautiful picture. A beautiful picture was drawn ( by my sister )
Indirect Object The Indirect Object of the Active sentence becomes the Subject of the passive sentence. eg.Susan told me a secret. I was told a secret. & A secret was told to me. Lucy gave apples to the kids. Apples were given to the kids. & The kids were given apples.
Intransitive verbs Cannot be used in the passive eg.My dog always barks. My father snores every evening.
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