Facilitating Telework: A Review of Research Based Findings Milissa Gofourth, Oklahoma ABLE Tech Sara Sack, Assistive Technology for Kansans May 21, 2007
Definition of Telework Project STRIDE Role: Employee or contractor Location: Work at home or a remote location Time: Normal hours or shift Excludes: Occasional or after hours work, sales force, and mobile work
Definition of Telework RSA Technical Assistance Circular (04/02/07) Role: Employee, Contractor, Self- Employment (Employer) Location: Home, designated sites away from office (work on the road or at telework center) Time: Full or part-time (adjustable) Exclusions: None noted.
Definition of Telework Kansas adopted the European Telework Organization Definition Telework occurs when information and communication technologies (ICTs) are applied to enable work to be done at a distance from the place where the work results are needed or where the work would conventionally have been done. (
Kansas’ Telework Features Role: Employee, contractor, employer Job: Must involve ICTs Location: Home, designated sites away from office (work on the road or at telework center) Time: Full or part-time (adjustable) Classification: Is it Telework or employment? Do we use the AFP or Telework Program?
Impression of the Research Findings Findings support our belief that employers are more inclined to offer Telework for: –Workers who have a history with the company –Circumstances that involve FMLA protections Infrastructure for Telework needs development
Impression of the Research Findings Findings support our belief that there are significant challenges in regard to identifying Telework jobs Tax credits are under utilized Additional challenges related to identifying workers and matching to Telework opportunities
Flexibility RSA Technical Assistance Circular Within definition of Telework & Equipment Review and determine funding on a case-by-case basis –Individuals disability creates a barrier(s) to employment the telework outcome would overcome that barrier –Equipment is based on the relationship of the purchase to the proposed outcome
Services Individualized ATF can provide funding quick and efficiently –“Prior to approval of a guaranty loan, that is using potential self-employment income…the applicant may be required to submit a business plan.” Customize the type of loan product –Low-Interest –Revolving –Guaranty –Buy-Down –Combination Credit Counseling
Looking Toward the Future Milissa and Sara’s belief: We have the “cart before the horse” Telework is important and we want to bring it to the attention of stakeholders Increase research on implementing Telework – look at models, and levels of support Maintain federal focus and financial support for Telework –Refine features of Telework and features of self-employment Collect and disseminate compelling examples of Telework
Questions….other thoughts????