# 10
«Weiße Masse» - White Mass BISMUTH = ВИСМУТ
Bismuth line
# 9
60% – Flame retardants 20% – Battery alloy 10% – Plain bearings 5% – Solders
# 8
The chlorine is a green gas, that irritates the Respiratory system The chlorine is a green gas, that irritates the Respiratory system. The fatal concentration comes up with 1000 ppm when breathing. CHLORINE = ХЛОР
# 7
Water–soluble barium compounds are poisonous Water–soluble barium compounds are poisonous. At low doses Barium ions act as a muscle stimulant, whereas higher doses affect the nervous system, causing cardiac irregularities, tremors, anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis. Not carcinogenic. BARIUM = БАРИЙ
# 6
The IARC recognizes cancer as group 1 carcinogens The IARC recognizes cancer as group 1 carcinogens. The PR China has a food standard of 150 ppb for arsenic Compare: The US standard is 10 ppb. Over 137 million people are affected by arsenic poisoning from drinking water.
During the Queen Elizabeth era some women used a mixture of vinegar, chalk and arsenic – to whiten their skin
# 5
Canada Niger Uzbekistan Namibia Australia Kazakhstan URANIUM = УРАН
1 Nuclear bomb equaled 12 500 TNT = 50 000 buildings destroyed 75 000 people killed…
# 4
# 3
Up to 17th century Tin was often called Plumbum Nigrum, while lead was known as Plumbum Candidum
Lead is a highly poisonous metal, affecting almost every organ and system. Causes: Nephropathy Colic-like abdominal pains Weakness in fingers, ankles, wrists Anemia Nervous and cardiovascular disorders
# 2
Progress in isolating Fluorine was showed by the exceptional dangers of generating fluorine: several 19th century experimenters, the «fluorine martyrs» were killed or badly hurt while working with hydrofluoric acid. In 1970s, concern developed that chlorofluorocarbons were damaging the Ozone layer. By 1996, almost all nations had banned CFCs. FLUORINE = ФТОР
# 1
«Fat Bomb» atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9th, 1945, killing 70 000 people and wounding 100 000. PLUTONIUM = ПЛУТОНИЙ