Golden Age ( ) Indian Mutiny imperialism since 1870 post-Mutiny policies - Indian nationalism
Political aspects : 4 merits 1. Realization of political unity 2. Peace 4. Provision of civil liberty 3. Rule of law
Pol. Aspects : 3 shortcomings 1. Impersonal nature of Br. Bureaucracy 2. Failure to develop local self-govt. 3. Reluctance to associate Indians with the administration
Material Transformation Why in need ?
Achievement 1. Better communication 2. Famine relief
Achievement 4. Social revolution w 3. Economic revolution
Female Edu. In Mysore,1880s
Think about ? Could the village have been transformed with less human dislocation and suffering ?
Think again ! w Indian historians’ belief w British writers’ views
Praise or Blame ?
Think !! Would India have been better off without foreign control ?
Think too ! Would India have been able to create a modern structure of business ?
A Controversial Issue ! w Before the Br. raj w After the Br. raj To the British To the Indians