The beginning of your journey The beginning of a learning curve about history The beginning of a learning experience about yourself Modern History Historical Investigation
Hints on choosing a topic Historical investigation Any historical debate from any country in the 18th, 19th, 20 th centuries The investigation should not overlap with or duplicate significantly any topic attempted for the HSC Modern History or History Extension courses. Your topic must centre around an historical debate relating to the topic, i.e. a topic where there is not clear agreement about the causes, the events or the aftermath.
It could be: An aspect of your preliminary core study – World at beginning of 20th century. A personality (but needs to be one of significant importance to the history of a period, and should reflect some controversy in interpretation about their lives). International conflicts to the present day A Preliminary case study.
Syllabus List A Examples of Case Studies from Europe, North America and Australia 1 The trans-Atlantic slave trade 2The Reign of Terror in France 1792–95 3The social consequences of industrialisation in Britain in the early nineteenth century 4The decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty 5Yankees and Confederates in the American states in the mid-nineteenth century 6Bismarck and the unification of the German states 7The Paris Commune Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragette Movement 9The 1916 Easter Rebellion in Ireland and its consequences 10Bodyline bowling and the 1932–1933 Anglo-Australian test series 11The failure of the League of Nations 12The Civil Rights Movement in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s 13The struggle for Indigenous rights in Canada in the late twentieth century 14Post-Communist Russia
Syllabus List B Examples of Case Studies from Asia, the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Central/South America 1 The Indian Mutiny The Meiji Restoration: nature and impact 3The Boxer Rebellion in China 4The making of modern South Africa 1890–1910 5The Netherlands East Indies in the early twentieth century 6The origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1880s–1947 7Decolonisation in Indochina 1945–1954 8Nuclear testing in the Pacific 1950s to 1960s 9The Cuban Revolution and its impact in Latin America 10Allende, Pinochet and the 1973 military coup in Chile 11Ayatollah Khomeini and Muslim Fundamentalism 12Aung San Suu Kyi and the pro-democracy movement in Burma 13Tibet’s fight for survival in the modern world 14The Chinese Government and Tiananmen Square
To what extent was slavery a cover up by Abraham Lincoln to finish an unpopular war? Evaluate the way in which the German government handled the events in 1972 in Munich. Did we land on the moon? Did Lee Harvey Oswald work alone to assassinate JFK? Evaluate the verdict of the Warren commission. Assess the extent to which McCarthy used the idea of communism as a political scare tactic to control political and cultural oppon ents? Some historical investigation topics from previous years
To what extent is it true that the world failed the people of Rwanda? How did the Tiananmen Square massacre affect Chinese/American relationships? Who was Jezebel, Cleopatra, great women of History? Assess Che Guevara’s political life and his effectiveness as a leader. How successful was the League of Nations in fulfilling its goals? Ned Kelly - hero or villain? Some historical investigation topics from previous years
Event: September 11, Sinking of the Lusitania, Turkish view of Anzac Day, Vietnamese Australian’s view of the American War Issue: Execution of Breaker Morant, female suffrage, American Civil War, Civil Rights Movement in the USA in 1950/60s Personality: Qn Victoria, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King Group: Ku Klux Klan Suggestions
Museums as History Historical fiction – how valuable? Construction of history in the media – the director’s role in creating history Critical analysis of a major historical work Value of archaeologist/scientist to the historian Thematic study Historical debate Value of art /oral history/ biographies to the historian Suggestions:
What to do from this point? Check the BOS Modern History syllabus at to avoid choosing topics that are not alllowable. Check with me if you are unsure – we may be able to play with the topic Choose an area in which you can maintain a long term interest, you already have some background knowledge or interest Is this topic manageable? – you have 6 ½ weeks – this is not your life’s work DO NOT delve into very detailed information. You are looking for an overview of your topic Try an encyclopaedia Consult the resource list on the wiki You should commit to an enquiry area in week 2 of term 2
.....and, remember not to get too stressed – enjoy the ride!!