Progressivism and TR Pt 1:
Progressivism Attempts made before (Populists) Dissatisfaction with the rich getting richer…
Books Lloyd against Standard Oil, Wealth Against Commonwealth Vebien against rich Theoory of the Leisure Class How the Other Half Lives, Riis Drieser against supper rich The Titan Along with urban pioneers like Jane Addams (Chicago), Lillian Wald (NY)
Muckrakers Magazines McClure’s, Cosmopolitan, Collier’s, expose dirt Steffans’ “The Shame of the Cities Tarbell against the Standard Oil Co Phillips “The Treason of the Senate” Spargo, “The Bitter Cry of the Children” (Dr Wiley’s Poison Squad)
Political Progressivism Both parties, curb trusts, improve standard of living/working for people Initiatives: propose a law for the state legislature Referendum: propose laws on the ballot Recall: remove faithless elected officials Corrupt practices acts Direct election of senators
Local progressivism Galveston Texas: city manager system LaFollette best known of progressive governors (Wisconsin), Johnson (CA), Hughes (NY)
Work place reforms Women work to improve health in the work place for women and children Florence Kelley organizes boycotts with National Consumer League Lawyer Brandeis in Muller v Oregon upholds laws to protect women workers Lochner v NY establishes 10 hour work day for bakers Triangle Shirtwaist incident shocks people about the danger of workplace
TR “Square Deal” Square deal for capital, labor and the public Used threat of seizing the mines to force coal workers and owners to reach a contract Created Department of Labor and Commerce
TR/Corporations Elkins Act limited railroad rebates Hepburn Act limits free passes ICC gains more teeth TR didn’t think trust were inherently bad Did force Morgan’s Northern Securities Company to be dissolved Allowed Morgan to add to US Steel
Consumers Sinclair’s The Jungle exposes problems Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act Mary had a little lamb And when she saw it sicken, She shipped it off to Packingtown And now it’s labeled chicken