Capabilities Analysis Briefing for Chancellor and Senior Leaders
2 AGENDA Review Engagement Goals and Purpose Summarize High-Level Findings Review Proposed Recommendations –Executive Summary of Key Recommendations –Additional “Intentional Focus” Recommendations Review Recommended Next Steps
3 Purpose: Conduct a study to answer the question: How does USFSP proceed to achieve growth and sustainability in fully online programs? Identify: –Current Capabilities –Key Gaps and Needs –Success Strategies
4 How does USFSP grow and sustain online teaching and learning? Student Survey Faculty Survey Rubric Evaluation of Courses Individual Interviews Literature Review Initial Review Forum & Expectation Setting Interviews, Surveys, Course Review Executive Planning Forum Final Report Governance structure Curriculum Process Methodology x
5 Gaps and Strategies Effective Practice AreaGaps Recommended Strategies Institutional Strategy58 Management & Financial Model45 Marketing & Recruiting Process45 Faculty and Program Development59 Student Support & Engagement53 Program Delivery & Management64 Learning Environment23 Continuous Improvement23
6 Institutional Strategy Develop a clearly articulated vision for the desired goals and targets for online learning at USFSP The vision should address the specific type of growth desired and outline a corresponding change management process. Key Recommendation INTENTIONAL FOCUS: Identify criteria for prioritizing program and course support Identify targets for growth, focusing on convenience, flexibility, and consistent quality for existing learners Continue Steering Team process for leadership
7 Financial & Organizational Model Develop a revenue and expense model for online learning, with a 3-5 year financial plan Establish supporting organizational structure including a new Director of Distance Learning position. Key Recommendation Intentional Focus: Develop cost analysis of online program development – identify efficiencies Add coordinator for technology adoption and faculty development Align media services to focus on faculty development and technology adoption
8 Create an online support unit to foster effective practices, innovation, and sustainable growth. Key Recommendation Intentional Focus: Provide support for technology adoption and faculty development Emphasize development of interactive content over lecture capture Implement faculty development and course development program Focus on blended as well as online course models Faculty and Program Development
9 Student Support & Engagement Develop robust Student Services capabilities tailored specifically for the fully online student. Key Recommendation Intentional Focus: Establish student services working group as part of Steering Team to review student services Engage ongoing services audit to plan for fully online student support
10 Faculty and Program Development Begin planning for the controlled build out of two to three fully online programs, leading up to a coordinated online program launch at the appropriate time. Key Recommendation Intentional Focus: Create blended and online courses to position programs for rapid online launch when appropriate Realign current staff resources to serve all strategic programs/courses Refine RFP process to align with intentional goals
11 Marketing & Recruiting Undertake market analysis research to identify high-demand programs aligned with USFSP academic capabilities. Key Recommendation Intentional Focus: Identify potential size and characteristics of current and potential markets Identify market demand for potential USFSP programs Identify key decision factors for potential learners
12 Next Steps Establish priorities and goals for growth and quality in online learning Create an action plan and timelines based on clear priorities for the next 2 years Articulate the vision for technology adoption and integration Refine the RFP process to align with goals Realign roles, responsibilities, and support services to achieve the two-year goals