Solar Power Energy – It’s Everywhere
2 Solar Energy Solar energy is sustainable light and heat energy from the Sun. Solar Cells convert solar light energy directly to electricity. Solar heat energy can be collected and concentrated using mirrors or reflectors to heat water to steam. The steam is used to generate electrical energy. Solar heat energy can be used directly for hot water or space heating homes or offices.
Solar Power Everywhere 3 Solar Cars Solar Calculators Solar Lights Solar Homes Greenhouses Solar Toys Solar Hot Water
Solar Light Energy to Electrical Energy 4
Solar Home Electricity. 5 Solar System once installed provides clean renewable energy for 20 years.
Solar Power 6 Clean emission-free electricity produced by large solar farms power companies supply electricity to homes and businesses. The President plans on installing solar panels on the White House in 2011.
7 Concentrating Solar Heat
Benefits of Solar Energy 8 Solar Technologies Solar Jobs