QI Usage Requests: Part 1 Submitting through ecConnect
1. Log in to ecConnect at ecConnect.denverearlychildhood.org ecConnect.denverearlychildhood.org Provider staff can use ecConnect if they’re set up in Sugar as a Portal Admin for the account. QI Navigators: enter your portal username and password. This is probably different from your Sugar username and password! For help with these steps, see the lesson on Managing Portal Users.
2. Go to the QIP Dashboard under the Quality Improvement menu option.
1. Log in to ecConnect at ecConnect.denverearlychildhood.org ecConnect.denverearlychildhood.org If this ecConnect portal login is tied to 2 or more Accounts in Sugar (as Portal Admin and/or QI Navigator), you will get a screen asking you to Choose Site (of your associated programs/sites) before you can continue. Choose from the drop- down and you’ll continue automatically.
The QIP Dashboard
A Closer Look Choose Site: switch to the QIP Dashboard for another site you manage Coaching Recommendations : These pull from the Coaching Logs in Sugar. QI Available Resources: This is a list of the active QI Assets assigned to this Account in Sugar. QI Usage Request Forms QIP Priorities You can view these in Sugar, but they import from the QIP in Colorado Shines QRIS.
QI Request Forms Click a button to begin a request! (Request substitute and overtime pay via the Professional Development form.)
The End! See Part 2 for management, approval and ordering.