NSIDC DAAC Operations What we did and how we did it: Sep Jan 2000 Mark Parsons Operations Manager 7 February 2000
The Players Management l Data Set Review Board l Managers Group Science l PoDAG l Science Planning Executive Committee (SPEC) l Other Scientists l Users
The Players (cont.) Resources l Departments Data Operations Writers and Webbies Systems Engineering and Administration Scientific Programmers User Services l Product Leads l Support Library Clerical staff
Initiation; Prioritization Raw Data & Ideas Products Development Production Documentation Archive & Maint. Distribution User ServicesSystemsLibraryClerical ProgrammersOperations Managers PoDAGSPEC DSRB Operations Concept Lead
Who is the DSRB? Department Heads (i.e., those who control resources) Science Representatives l One formal member (rotating position) l Others as needed Scientific Manager
What We Do Approve or “bless” a plan for a new product, Determine a priority for the product Determine the necessary resources (including the Product Lead) to produce a product. Monitor data production schedules–Data Set Calendar Review, prioritize, and allocate resource for major data related activities–act somewhat like a change control board.
Charter The Data Set Review Board reviews proposed data sets and information products to determine whether a product should be produced and maintained, what its overall resource implications will be, who will be responsible for overseeing its development (i.e., the Product Lead), and what priority will be assigned to the product relative to others so that systems and personnel can be allotted accordingly. Similarly, the Board reviews and prioritizes specifically proposed tasks to enhance or supplement existing data and information products. Although the Product Lead is responsible for producing the data set and developing a schedule, the Board periodically reviews this schedule to ensure timely delivery of the product. Finally, the Board mediates any conflicts in resource use which may arise due to conflicting priorities, inadequate resources, etc. N.B.: a product is any discrete data set or body of information identified by NSIDC for distribution to users.
Product Teams Lead Scientist(s) Writer User Services Rep. Data Base Administrator Programmer(s) Web Designer
DAAC Topics Sep 99 - Jan 00 Global 1 deg. gridded sea ice, snow cover, and snow water equivalent data for ISLSCP–formal plan still needs to be considered, resources TBD Priority of Near Real Time Ice and Snow Extent (NISE)–minor resource considerations Scatterometry: Link to JPL (ASF) then build more info. Ted S. and Ron W. POCs
DAAC Products New products released since Sep 99 l TOVS Pathfinder Path-P Daily and Monthly Arctic Gridded Atmospheric Grids l Near Real Time DMSP-F13 SSM/I Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures l Nimbus -5 ESMR Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Revision 1 l Nimbus-7 SMMR Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures (beta release) l All About Glaciers l State of the Cryosphere (version 1) DAAC Data Set Calendar