Impact of an Evidence-Based Searching Class for Nurses Jill E. Foust, MLS, Reference Librarian/ Liaison to the School of Nursing Health Sciences Library System Kathryn R. Puskar, RN, DrPH, CS, FAAN Associate Professor, School of Nursing University of Pittsburgh
Purpose Describe and evaluate the implementation of an evidenced-based searching class for graduate nursing students Measure students database searching skill retention after initial intervention/test through final test at semester end
The Study Intervention consists of basic database and evidence-based searching instruction Post intervention survey/test Evidence-based protocol research paper Semester end survey/test Evaluated results
The Intervention 31 graduate nursing students Intervention took place second session of core graduate Nursing Theory & Research class
Intervention Structure Hands-on instruction delivered by a reference librarian Basic searching skills taught using Ovid CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO Lecture focused on evidence-based nursing and searching process Literature searched using evidence-based examples Post intervention survey/test taken
Challenges/Solutions Novice searchers with varying degrees of computer literacy Large class size Age range from early 20s to mid 50s Focused on basics Students worked in groups of two Librarian and School of Nursing Instructor provided extra help after class
Students Primary Research Information Resources
Self-Rating of Student Search Expertise
The Survey/Test Self-rating scale Twelve basic multiple choice questions (3 survey/9 test) Test covered examples from lecture Post intervention survey/test taken Same survey/test retaken end of semester
Sample Test Questions 1. What option should a searcher select in order to include related but more specific medical subject headings in a CINAHL or MEDLINE search? a. Subheading b. Explode c. Focus d. None of the above e. All of the Above 2. Which of the following is the best way to search the topic privacy issues and electronic medical records in CINAHL or MEDLINE? a. Type the entire search topic on the command line: privacy issues and electronic medical records b. Break the topic down by subject, then search each subject separately and combine the search results c. Search each word individually, then combine the search results d. None of the above e. All of the above
Post Intervention Test Results 31 students took test 28 students answered at least 7 test questions correctly If graded on a pass/fail basis 28 students would have passed
Semester End Test Results 31 students took test 28 students answered at least 7 test questions correctly Questions answered correctly on post intervention test and semester end test varied If graded on a pass/fail basis 28 students would have passed
Comparison of Questions Answered Correctly on Both Tests
>7 Test Questions Answered Correctly
Frequently Missed Test Questions on Both Tests 1/2 of the students confused the concepts Restrict to Focus and Explode < 1/3 of the students were unable to break a search request into discrete concepts
Evidence-Based Research Protocol Paper Required (30% of grade) Examines weighted clinical studies involving the implementation of treatment with special attention to the adherence of treatment specifications Papers were graded based on students understanding of the evidence process Average grade B+
Conclusion Majority of students comprehended lecture information and retained information throughout semester Based on survey/test results and the evidence-based protocol research paper this class provides a solid foundation for the study of evidence-based practice
Appendix Survey/Test