Leadership Theory, Application, Skill Development 1st Edition Robert N Leadership Theory, Application, Skill Development 1st Edition Robert N. Lussier and Christopher F. Achua . This presentation created by: MANAGEMENT TRAINING SPECIALISTS 5320-D Camp Bowie Blvd / Fort Worth, Texas 76107 / 817 737-2893 e-mail: 2conz@airmail.net Copyright © 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Dyadic Relationships Followership Delegation Chapter 6 Dyadic Relationships Followership Delegation 6-1
Chapter 6 Learning Objectives 4 Stages of development / dyadic approach. Vertical linkage model relationships. Team building view / dyadic approach. Systems and networks view / dyadic approach. LMX-7 Cycle leading to Pygmalion effect. 3 Follower influencing characteristics. 5 Things a leader should delegate. 6-2
Dyadic The relationship between a leader and each follower in a work unit. 6-3
Dyadic Theory Explains why leaders vary their behavior with different followers. 6-4
Dyadic Approach: Stages of Development Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Vertical-Dyad Linkage Theory Leader-Member Exchange Team Building Systems and Networks Individualized leader-subordinate interactions creating in-groups and out-groups. Focus is on the quality of each dyad and its effects on organizational outcomes over time. Leaderships can aspire to build positive relationships with all subordinates, not just chosen few. Creating positive dyadic relationships across traditional boundaries to include a larger network. Summary Heading. Text. 6-5
Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) Theory In-group...those subordinates with strong social ties to their leader in a people oriented style. Out-group...those subordinates with little or no social ties to their leader, strictly task oriented relationship. 6-6
Dyadic Theory Team Building Effective leaders should aspire to establish relationships with all members, not just a few special individuals. 6-7
Dyadic Approach Systems & Network View Leader relationships are not limited to employees, but include peers, customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders in the broader community. 6-8
High Quality LMX Relationships Characterized by greater levels of loyalty, commitment, respect, affection, mutual trust, and possibly mutual liking between leaders and members. 6-9
LMX Scale the most commonly used instrument for defining and measuring the quality of relationships. 10..........20..........30..........40..........50 High Quality Low Quality 6-10
Pygmalion Effect Occurs when selected subordinates demonstrate loyalty, commitment, dedication, and trust and as a result, win the liking of superiors who subsequently give them higher performance ratings. 6-11
Follower Key Influencing Characteristics Power Position Locus of Control Education and Experience 6-12
What To Delegate Paperwork Solving Employee’s Routine Tasks Problems This slide relates to XX-XX. Paperwork Solving Employee’s Problems Routine Tasks What To Delegate Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Tasks with Developmental Potential Technical Matters 6-13