Mission To serve as a resource for professional development opportunities for all employees that support and enhance the College’s goals
Institutional Role 1.Leadership for College projects 2.Linked to institutional efforts and technology initiatives 3.Web Services management 4.Focused on specific needs related to workplace effectiveness (faculty, staff, administrator) 5.Support for the utilization and integration of technology 6.Structured, organized approach for professional development 7. Set standards and expectations for performance 8. Clearinghouse for information about activities, events, resources, and projects related to the enhancement of teaching and learning, and professional development 9. Conduct research and disseminate findings that may have state and national implications and can serve as an educational model for professional development 10. Assemble and disseminate research related to instructional best practices that support effective and innovative teaching
Goals for Increase volume (40%), quality, and variety of professional development opportunities for faculty/staff/administration 2. Identify and develop professional development initiatives that support College programs and services 3. Position PDWS website as the "one-stop shop" for professional development resources to communicate professional development opportunities and resources to the HCC community 4. Enhance the HCC web presence
Goal One - Achieved 1. Increase volume (40%), quality, and variety of professional development opportunities for faculty/staff/administration TOTAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS = 1030 ACTUAL PARTICIPATION = TOTAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS = ACTUAL PARTICIPATION = 1304 (58% increase) TOTAL ASSISTANCE PROVIDED TO EMPLOYEES = 1846
Goal One: Total Employee Use of PDWS Services Count by Employee Type Employee Status Staff 1151 Faculty 361 Adjunct 98 Administration 236 Total 1846 Totals include instructor-led workshops, online workshops, and individual assistance (phone, , walk-in)
Goal One: Workshop Participation Count by Employee Type Employee StatusCompleted Workshop No ShowTotal Registration Staff Faculty Adjunct Administration
Goal One: Individual Helps Count by Employee Type Employee StatusHelp via PhoneHelp via Walk-In to PDWS Office Staff Faculty Adjunct Administration Total
Goal Two - Achieved 2. Identify and develop professional development initiatives that support College programs and services a) Training developed in response to special requests across College: 1. Website Re-design (deployment: July 1, 2008) 2. Imaging – Data management 3. MS 2007 (print, instructor-led, online) 4. Teaching/Learning Series (online) 5. Online at HCC (WebCT) Teaching Strategies 6. Student Services 7. Effective Meetings Fall Faculty In-Service 9. Communication Training 10. Conflict Resolution 11. Team Building
Goal Three - Achieved 3. Position PDWS website as the "one-stop shop" for professional development resources to communicate professional development opportunities and resources to the HCC community a) TECHniques Newsletter b) Faculty Extras c) Web Services d) WebCasts, Best Practices e) Online Workshops (with online registration) f) Tutorials, Website of the Month
Goal Four – Achieved (7/1/08) 4. Enhance the HCC web presence a) Disseminate form developed by committee for feedback b) Develop style guide for website redevelopment c) Obtain consensus at appropriate levels to begin redesign project d) Novus training developed and deployed e) Website launched 7/1/08