Mount St Helens By Ashleigh and Abi!
Mount St Helens March 1980 sign that the volcano was going to erupt. Earthquakes alert positive eruption. USGS arrive to moniter. Scientists and geographers. April, bulge on N.side= magma. Used lasers to measure rising of north side.
- May 18 th 8:32 am giant E.Q people evacuated. -N.side collapsed (lateral blast) ash clouds, animals killed,57 dead 23m squared trees destroyed 600 ft debris. People not allowed within 30 miles. -2,000 ft crater now 2 miles. -⅔ cubic miles rock landslide. -rock weakend by movement of super heated water.=land slide. -pyroclastic flow,230 m sqaured trees to north (surge). -ash cloud 3x height of everest. -had enough energy to go up over another mountain 300m/s -24hrs before help/monitering -5.1 earthquake =landslide of n.face -rotten rock,due to hot volcanic water going through it.
-30 mins=ash cloud -lahars-melt snow and ash/soil 100mile range,toutle river 90mph. -27 bridges -65 miles3