Ghosts, dreams, mysterious storms, bumps in the night, and other unexplainable supernatural events populate gothic literature.
When you hear the term “gothic” what comes to your mind? › What other words do you associate with these words? › What colors? › What type of images come to mind? If it helps you, make a bubble chart with this word in the middle and list all that comes to mind around it. Your response should be at least a paragraph!
I am going to show you a series of images. I want you to write down the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the picture appear on the screen. Then I want you to answer the following questions: 1. What words come to mind? 2. What colors stand out to you? 3. What is the scene depicting?
Plot driven by violence Being lost in the dark or evil, unfamiliar places Characters are completely isolated
Search for identity Social alienation Search for truth Dark side of human nature › Ex. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dark woods Castles (sometimes abandoned) Any type of abandoned landscape or building Caves Extreme weather conditions Exotic places
Interest in the bizarre & supernatural. Love of nature. Looks at the world with optimism. Faith in inner experience & power of imagination. Strong belief in the individual.
1. Setting in a castle. 2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense. 3. An ancient prophecy. 4. Omens & visions. 5. Supernatural happenings. (things that cannot be explained) 6. Women in distress. 7. Feeling of gloom or horror. 8. Focus on bizarre situations and violent events.
The romantic hero valued emotion rather than rational thought. Often lives excluded from society. He/She is usually youthful and innocent.
Emphasizes the supernatural, gloomy, and morbid. Acknowledged the evil of man and the horror of evil. Focus on bizarre situations and violent events. Emphasis on emotion, nature, and the individual. Explored character’s motivations. Imagination over Reason!
Remember the Romantic period has nothing to do with love! It is a literary movement that has nothing to do with being in love!
Romantic/Gothic Elements Examples From Michael Jackson’s Thriller 1. SettingDark Woods 2. Focus on bizarre situations Creatures appearing in the dead of night