QUICK DESCRIPTION This movement includes the darker side of Romanticism. It was, in some ways, a reaction against the time period’s optimistic belief in the American dream. It included an interest in the inexplicable and a “skepticism toward man’s nature.” Unlike the Transcendentalists, the authors of this movement believed that human nature was equally capable of good and evil. However, this movement emphasized the human vulnerability to sin over the potential for good. Authors of this movement agreed with Romantics and Transcendentalists that nature was an important force, but these authors emphasized the decaying and mysterious aspects of nature instead of the idea of nature as a source of renewal. At the end of a piece of this type of literature, the reader is left with questions instead of answers and new understandings.
SETTING Often takes place in an old, run-down, isolated… Castle Crypt or vault Graveyard or churchyard Haunted house
STOCK CHARACTERS Stock characters are characters that represent basic human traits, but are not otherwise well-developed in a story. Unreliable narrator The devil Damsel in distress Powerful and/or “charming” male Greedy character Characters suffering from, or descending into madness
SUPERNATURAL Presence of creatures such as such as ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and spirits Paranormal or unexplainable events Fulfillment of ancient prophecies Omens and visions Superstitions
MOOD AND TONE Mystery Suspense Vengeance Gloom Horror Terror – physical and psychological
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Essay - The Gothic literature we have read in this last unit all shows a dark side of human nature. People act in ways that are negative and can hurt the individual or others. Choose three works and explain how each shows that humankind does have a dark side. Within your discussion, also show how the authors utilize literary devices to better show the dark characteristics.