Adelina’s Whales text and photographs by Richard Sobol
Where is Laguna San Ignacio? On the coast of Baja California According to scientists, why did the mother whales come to Laguna San Ignacio? To have their babies
Which events happened first? Adelina’s grandfather had his first visit with a friendly whale What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? To describe a special place that gray whales visit in the winter
Why do whales leave Alaska and Russia in the winter? The water is too cold Is the following statement an opinion? “Maybe(the whales) told each other it was safe to visit(Laguna San Ignacio).” Yes
Is the following statement a fact? “…The whale’s wide, flat tail is called a fluke…” Yes Which statement was a main idea from the selection? Many types of people visit Laguna San Ignacio to see the whales.
How did you know that the whales were important to Adelina? You know the whales are important to Adelina because the whales will always be a part of her life.
Why did Adelina say that Laguna San Ignacio “is the place where two worlds join together”? She said this because she knew this is the place where the whales and humans come to visit each other.
How were the people of La Laguna like the people who visited the village? They are alike in that they enjoyed watching the whales.