Killing Whales is STUPID! STUPID!!! jacked
These are Some of the Effects of Killing Whales. Krill population is on the rise. No more Phytoplankton. Mess up all food chain.
Whale Population is Decreasing. 300,000 whales killed in nets each year. Scientific whaling kill hundreds of whales each year. 30,000 whales killed by hunters since 1985.
In the 1980 whales were hunted relentlessly. In 1982 the IWC ordered a halt to commercial whaling. 80 countries band whaling. Japan still kills whales but they use all of the parts.
Bibliography Unknown. Jumping whale. Web 2/9/2010 Unknown. Whale on trailer. Web. 2/9/ Unknown. Beautiful krill. Web. 2/9/2010 Unknown. Cut whales. Web. 2/9/2010 Unknown. Beached whales. Web. 2/9/2010 Unknown. smiley face. Web. 2/9/
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