Health Care & Environment Policies April 23, 2015 Objective: understanding the health care system and protecting the Environment
1/22/2016Free template from 2
1/22/20163 I. Mostly Private health care system & Federal involvement with health care Traditional: (co-payment) + Insurance Federal Involvement: –Medicare ~ 45 million –Medicaid + CHIP ~70 Million –Research efforts (R & D) –Obamacare passed in 2010 ~15 million Traditional: (co-payment) + Insurance Federal Involvement: –Medicare ~ 45 million –Medicaid + CHIP ~70 Million –Research efforts (R & D) –Obamacare passed in 2010 ~15 million- 2014
1/22/20164 II. Problems with health care 1.Rising costs-pg READ (Pie Chart) 2.Uninsured-working poor and unemployment 3.High cost malpractice insurance-litigation 1.Cap on Pain/Suffering lawsuits 4.Unnecessary procedures 5.Paperwork (The B word) 6.Rural Areas 1.Rising costs-pg READ (Pie Chart) 2.Uninsured-working poor and unemployment 3.High cost malpractice insurance-litigation 1.Cap on Pain/Suffering lawsuits 4.Unnecessary procedures 5.Paperwork (The B word) 6.Rural Areas
1/22/20165 III. Affordable Health Care for America Act 2010 Provisions 1.Companies cannot ban coverage for preexisting 2.Req. people to buy insurance Fines 3.Subsidies for low incomes help pay for insurance 4.May remain on parents insurance until 26 5.Purchase insurance outside of your state –Not far enough OR Too much big govt. Provisions 1.Companies cannot ban coverage for preexisting 2.Req. people to buy insurance Fines 3.Subsidies for low incomes help pay for insurance 4.May remain on parents insurance until 26 5.Purchase insurance outside of your state –Not far enough OR Too much big govt.
1/22/2016Free template from6 I. Environmental Policy-Key Legislation 1.National Environmental Policy Act-1969 = Environ. Impact Reports 2.Clean Air Act-1970 = DOT reduce auto emissions 3.EPA 1970 = land, air, water quality (toxic waste) 4.Endangered Species Act 1973 = PG Spotted Owl v. Logging….Farming vs. Gray Wolf 2.Cheap electricity v. Salmon on Snake River –( 5.Superfund, 1980 = cleanup toxic waste dumps – 1.National Environmental Policy Act-1969 = Environ. Impact Reports 2.Clean Air Act-1970 = DOT reduce auto emissions 3.EPA 1970 = land, air, water quality (toxic waste) 4.Endangered Species Act 1973 = PG Spotted Owl v. Logging….Farming vs. Gray Wolf 2.Cheap electricity v. Salmon on Snake River –( 5.Superfund, 1980 = cleanup toxic waste dumps –
1/22/20167 II. Types of environmental policies 1.EX: Yucca Mountain- 2.EX: Raising gas taxes to discourage driving-reduce smog 3.EX: Superfund sites-taxpayers pay, affected communities benefit Commencement Bay, Hanford – –(Hanford Story) 1.EX: Yucca Mountain- 2.EX: Raising gas taxes to discourage driving-reduce smog 3.EX: Superfund sites-taxpayers pay, affected communities benefit Commencement Bay, Hanford – –(Hanford Story)