OHT 1 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI opportunities in Europe Martin Littlejohn DG Information Society
OHT 2 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 AgendaAgenda eEurope eGovernment Information Strategies eContent European GI Policy IST eActions galore
OHT 3 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 eEuropeeEurope Bring every citizen, school, business and administration on-line - quickly Create a digitally literate and entrepreneurial Europe Ensure an inclusive information society
OHT 4 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 A basis for discussion and action Draft eEurope Action Plan A cheaper, faster and secure Internet Investing in people and skills Stimulate the use of the Internet eCommerce eGovernment Health online Digital content for global networks Intelligent transport systems
OHT 5 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Adopted by the Commission 24-5 Draft eGovernment Action Plan Essential public data online (2002) Simplified online administrative procedures for business (2002) Develop a co-ordinated approach for public sector information (2000) Pan-European portals of interactive public services (mid 2001) Promote use of open source software in public sector (2001) eCommission: All basic transactions with the European Commission online (2001)
OHT 6 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 More European Content on the Net Digital Content for Global Networks eContent Exploitation of public sector information (€75M) Experimental projects Public/Private Partnerships European data collections (e.g GI) Linguistic and cultural customisation (€60M) Market enablers (€10M) Promote Internet start-ups Multimedia rights trading Support Actions (€5M) Preparatory actions call - close 7 July
OHT 7 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Green Paper Public Sector Information Green Paper published 20 January 1999 Green Paper Follow on eGovernment Information Strategies –a Communication Summary of the replies Proposals for action
OHT 8 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 European Commission - Directorate general “Information Society” eGovernment Information Strategies Improving the legal framework Drawing benefits from the most advanced schemes Catalysing developments Sectoral initiatives: GI, Libraries High Level Group
OHT 9 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 European GI Policy Development EGIP Replacing defunct GI2000 Tagging on to eEurope eContent eGovernment Information Strategies IST
OHT 10 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 EGIP Main Actions eGovernment Information Stategies Communication Adopt European Reference system Mandate National GI agencies to produce European data Single point of access Affordable price COGI Commission inter service group on GI Better access to GI –Joint acquisition of GI Benefits Common data policies
OHT 11 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI/GIS: Harmonisation & Interoperability JRC project in FP5 Support to EGIP/COGI Market Study for COGI Workshops & Expert panels Web site & EGIP discussion list Data policy experimentation IMAGE2000 & CLC200
OHT 12 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 IST: 1st Call - GI proposals KA3 40 submitted GI Projects selected Hypergeo : mobile GI Faster : Statistics, Tables and Electronic Resources ETEMII : European Territorial Information Infrastructure
OHT 13 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 IST: 2 & 3 Call - GI proposals KA3 2nd call 16 submitted 3 ranked 3rd Call 8 submitted
OHT 14 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI in Workprogramme 2000 4th call, June 2000 I Environment III Authoring III Visualisation III Working groups
OHT 15 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 Cross Programme action New/improved user friendly info-mobility services. Mainstreaming GI New models, concepts and functionality 5th call, September/October 2000
OHT 16 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 GI Proposal 2001 Testbeds/Demo projects to validate new approaches ESDI Thematic applications Location based services for DSS Interoperability, semantics, ontologies Business models GSDI, OGC, ISO etc
OHT 17 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 SummarySummary eEurope is umbrella initiative eContent replaces INFO2000 eGIS is a Communication Green Paper on Public Sector Information EGIP replaces GI2000
OHT 18 - MG - Cabinet February-2000 ConclusionConclusion GI is everywhere Many opportunities GI political initiative still possble eGIS Time to move on after 10 years