Cyber Space vs. Ubiquitous Space
Internet Space and Virtual Reality Gates to Dive into Internet Space Real World user
Ubiquitous Space and Augmented Reality Cyber Space Real World user Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Space Bridge to connect Cyber space and real world
Augmented Reality ?
Example of Augmented Reality: Primitive One [Bauhaus Institute]
Example of Augmented Reality: Overlapping Two Realities [Univ. Rochester] [INRIA]
Example of Augmented Reality: Pedestrian Information
Example: Scenario Retrieve Context Information Detection by Sensor Provide Augmented Reality
Interaction with the real world is substantial Context Awareness Augmented Reality Interaction with the real world is substantial Context-Awareness Real World Device A Keyword of Ubiquitous Computing
(Information-Driven) Context-Awareness Static Context (Information-Driven) Dynamic Context (Sensor-Driven) Context Internal Context
Spatial Context-Awareness (Geographic Awareness) Euclidean Space Static Context Dynamic Context Road Network Space Geographic Information Geo-Sensor Indoor Space Spatial Context Seamless Space My Status + Location, Speed, Orientation Internal Context
Issues in Ubiquitous Computing Tiny System Scalability Small Size Memory Large number of mobile devices Small CPU Energy Problem Small Screen Communication Heterogeneity Limited Bandwidth Platform Limited Mobility Contents
Communication Infrastructure Wireless Communication : Fundamental Requirement NOT Only ONE Communication : Convergence of Communication CDMA : Currently Available WiBro (Wireless Broadband) : Between CDMA and WLAN WLAN : High Speed, but Limited Area DMB : Broadcasting, One Way Communication MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) : Without Network Infrastructure Bluetooth : High Speed, but Very Limited Area
Communication Infrastructure Requirements Mobility : WLAN (very limited), CDMA (>250 Km/h), WiBro (>60 Km/h ?) Bandwidth : Very Large Number of Messages due to Massive Parallelism WLAN (>1 Mbps), CDMA( 100Kbps), WiBro ( 1Mbps) Covergence Coverage : WLAN (100m), CDMA (1~3Km), WiBro(1Km) IPv6 and Ad-Hoc Network Cheap Price Security
But Not Like This !