Augmented Reality Futures Presented to Minnesota Futurists 28 January, 2012 David Keenan
What is Augmented Reality Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Typically in real-time Typically overlaid on the real world Often interactive
An example you have seen The first down line
Movie Examples Terminator Iron Man Avatar
Where Are We?
Added to Map Search and Street names, traffic density, gas prices, parks and rec, directions, etc. TED Video from Feb 2010 featuring Blaise Aguera y Arcas playplay
Medical Training Play and and and DemoDemo with Marker Play
Automotive Virtual Cable Play SimSim Play TestTest
Repair Procedures BMW PlayPlay
Shopping & Fashion Try on virtual items Play Demo and
Virtual Safari From National Geographic Play
Pop AR Books Play
More Candy GE Smart Grid AR Site Play Demo
Augmented Virtual Insanity AR developed by rayofminneapolis PlayPlay
Smart Phone Apps Layar – Android, iPhone – Amsterdam 2009 –Play Impactful AR Play How to UsePlay Junaio – metaio Gmbh, Munich2003 Wikitude – Austria Reader Poll Results – Best AR App % 25.4% 11.9%
Star Gazing Star Walk – iPad2, iPhone Pocket Universe – iPhone, iPad Google SkyMap - Android Play and and
Cinema See films overlaid on locations where filmed Play Play
New AR from CES Jan Glasses made by Lumus Optics, Tel Aviv, can overlay color imagery and video onto a person’s field of vision. The company is in talks with consumer electronics companies to make sleeker, more affordable versions that connect with a smart phone. Credit: Technology Review
New AR from CES Jan Vuzix, Rochester, NY, VZX.V will launch a monocular version of its technology later in 2012 for industrial use, at a price in the range of $5,000 to $10,000. Vuzix says it could be used by military and industrial mechanics, allowing them to view plans and schematics while working on machinery. Credit: Technology Review
New AR from CES Jan and The small lens in the lower right of these ski goggles projects a small display onto the wearer’s peripheral vision. Called Mod Live, the device is made by Recon Instruments, Vancouver Canada, and can show a person’s current speed and other information like the time duration of a jump. Credit: Technology Review
Best AR of 2011 Play
The Future Articulated Naturality Web From QPC - QderoPateo Communications PlayPlay
Another Future From immersivetech, LA PlayPlay and
What does AR offer… Education Management Society
Thank you